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FOG Program

Town of Canton >> Departments >> Water Pollution Control Facility >> FOG Program >> FOG Program
 Budget Dates  

ALL tennis courts and the basketball courts are CLOSED until further notice

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Food Service Establishments Discharging to a Sanitary Sewer System 

The uncontrolled and/or inadequately controlled discharge of fats, oils, and grease (FOG) into municipal sanitary sewage systems have resulted in blockages sanitary sewer overflows within the collection system. These instances pose an obvious resultant hazard to public health and also increase the cost of WPCF operations. 

According to the CTDEEP General Permit for the Discharge of Wastewater Associated with Food Service Establishments, ALL "Class III and IV food service establishment as defined by section 19-13-B42 of the State of Connecticut Public Health Code or any other facility discharging fats, oil, and grease above the effluent limits in Section 5(c)(1)and (2) of this general permit", is authorized to discharge to the Canton sanitary sewer system, "provided the conditions of Section 5 of this general permit are satisfied."

As the WPCA Sewer Regulations are currently written, all FSE's (formerly known as Food Processing Establishments, or FPE's) discharging to the Canton sanitary sewer system must register annually, at a $75 fee, and participate in the Town of Canton WPCA's FOG Management Program. Participation involves, but is not limited to, the permittee implementing best management practices for controlling FOG, facility inspection by WPCF personnel to ensure compliance, and regular FOG management equipment cleaning at a frequency determined by the authorized agent (inspector).

For further questions, please contact the Superintendent at 860-693-7867 

Listing files in 'FOG Program Documents'

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WPCA Facility

Contact Us

50 Old River Rd
Canton, CT 06019

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 168
Collinsville, CT 06022


Office Hours
M - F 7:00am - 3:30pm

John Kaminski
(860) 693-7867      (860) 693-7867     

Troy Radcliff
Chief Operator
(860) 693-7859 (860) 693-7859