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Seniors Job Bank
Are you 50+ and looking for a part-time job? Or do you need help on a project? Contact the Seniors Job Bank!
Seniors Job Bank is a nonprofit organization created in 1974, dedicated to helping people over the age of 50 find part-time work in the West Hartford community and surrounding towns. They connect jobseekers with part-time job opportunities in businesses, municipalities and nonprofits as well as per diem work with individuals.
How does the Seniors Job Bank work? SJBCT deposits in its data bank contact information on local, experienced senior workers who wish to find part-time work in the residential and business community. Each worker has been interviewed by the staff of the Seniors Job Bank. The areas of their competencies are recorded in the Job Bank.
What type of services are available? Residential: companionship, carpentry, painting, plumbing, cleaning, sewing, gardening, computer hardware and software assistance, home maintenance, handyman and homemaker. Business: accounting, bookkeeping, general office help, sales, tax preparation, computer software assistance, business and grant writing, engineering, and administrative assistance.
For more information go to or call 860-521-3210.
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