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Pavement Management Program

Town of Canton >> Departments >> Public Works >> Pavement Management >> Pavement Management Program
 Budget Dates  

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Maintaining Performance Standards

In 2010, the Town of Canton conducted a Pavement Management Study working with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB). With the engineering support provided by VHB, the town developed a Pavement Management Program (PMP). This program is designed to protect and extend the useful life of paved surfaces throughout the town. With careful planning and diligent effort, the goal is to maintain the highest performance standards while reducing the overall long-term costs of managing the town’s street infrastructure system.

As part of the PMP, the town utilizes a specialized software application which allows staff to analyze the town’s roadways, plan future repair and rehab strategies, and prioritize work to make the best of our resources. Field inspections are used to rate the physical conditions of the individual street sections.

Based on the information gathered from the field inspections, a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ranging from 1 to 100 is assigned to each road to define treatment options, cost, and develops a list of candidate projects. Improvements can range from patching, to a complete reconstruction with drainage upgrades.

Program Improvement Methods

Listing files in '2011-2024 Roads Improved'

  •  2011 - uploaded on 4/7/2014 2:43 PM
  •  2012 - uploaded on 4/7/2014 2:43 PM
  •  2013 - uploaded on 4/6/2015 9:39 AM
  •  2014 - uploaded on 4/6/2015 9:40 AM
  •  2015 - uploaded on 8/25/2016 8:55 AM
  •  2016 - uploaded on 3/2/2017 10:44 AM
  •  2017 - uploaded on 1/3/2018 9:25 AM
  •  2018 - uploaded on 1/2/2019 12:33 PM
  •  2019 - uploaded on 1/2/2020 9:09 AM
  •  2020 - uploaded on 10/1/2021 10:23 AM
  •  2021 - uploaded on 1/12/2022 12:42 PM
  •  2022 - uploaded on 1/6/2023 9:50 AM
  •  2023 - uploaded on 1/2/2024 3:05 PM
  •  2024 - uploaded on 3/5/2024 11:06 AM
  •  2024 PROPOSED ROADWORK - uploaded on 3/5/2024 11:09 AM






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Contact Us

50 River Road
Collinsville, CT 06022
(860) 693-7863



Thomas Richardson
Director of Public Works/Tree Warden 

Ryan Ferrari
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds 

Glenn Cusano
Project Administrator

Heather Fritch
Administrative Assistant