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Building Maintenance

Town of Canton >> Departments >> Public Works >> Building Maintenance Division >> Building Maintenance
 Budget Dates  

ALL tennis courts and the basketball courts are CLOSED until further notice

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The Maintenance Department consists of three full time workers and works under the general direction of the Public Works Director. This department is responsible for the general cleaning and minor maintenance repair work in the care and upkeep of town buildings, adjacent grounds and equipment. The town buildings under the care of the Maintenance Department encompass approximately 80,400 square feet of municipal space and include the Canton Town Hall, Library/Community Center, Police Department, Department of Public Works and the Collinsville Firehouse. The Maintenance Supervisor oversees the administration of multiple contracts for the operation and maintenance of town facilities.

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Contact Us

50 River Road
Collinsville, CT 06022

Lewis O'Connor
Building Maintenance Supervisor