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Highway Division

Town of Canton >> Departments >> Public Works >> Highway >> Highway Division
 Budget Dates  

ALL tennis courts and the basketball courts are CLOSED until further notice

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  • Seven (7) full-time employees
  • 70+ miles of roads and all of the infrastructure within
  • Maintenance including road re-surfing projects
  • Drainage repairs and maintenance of over 1,500 catch basins and piping
  • Signs related to streets, trails, parks and pedestrian safety
  • Winter plowing
  • Street sweeping
  • Mowing
  • Tree removal and trimming
  • Maintenance of department equipment

Winter Plowing

Winter plowing and applying treated road salt are done by lane miles. There are currently 70+ miles of town roads. Trucks are divided into eight (8) major routes. Additionally, the Highway Department plows all school drives/parking lots, the Transfer Station and three (3) firehouses. The Parks Department plows Town Hall, Library/Community Center and the Police Department parking lots. The average time it takes to complete a single route one time is about 3 hours. This time will increase with the intensity of a storm. The Highway Foreman is in contact with the Superintendent of Schools at approximately 4:30 AM to discuss road conditions. On mornings when a possible icing condition exists, two (2) trucks are dispatched prior to busses leaving the bus garage to apply treated salt and plow off any snow/ice accumulation.

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Contact Us

50 River Road
Collinsville, CT 06022

Daniel Manyak
Highway Foreman

Donald Gravel