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Town of Canton >> Departments >> Police Department >> Fingerprinting >> Fingerprinting
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The State of Connecticut has converted to an on-line portal to register for fingerprints.  Please click here to be directed to the registration portal. Follow the prompts and complete the pre-registration using a Service Code Number that is appropriate to your needs.  You will receive an email with a Applicant Tracking Number.  YOU MUST BRING THIS TRACKING NUMBER TO YOUR APPOINTMENT.  If you are being fingerprinted for a Temporary Pistol Permit, please also bring your paperwork.  

The Canton Police Department Provides Fingerprinting Services For Canton Residents, Pistol Permit applicants and Businesses.

Fingerprinting is available by appointment only. 
Appointments are made by calling the Dispatch Center at  860-693-0221.       

Fingerprinting will be conducted as follows:
Mondays from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM ONLY
Wednesdays from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM ONLY

Appointments are scheduled in 15 minute blocks, so please be prompt.

There is a $10.00 charge for this service which may be paid by cash or check only.  Checks are made out to The Town of Canton for residents and businesses.   

You must provide a valid PHOTO I.D. 

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Police Station

Contact Us

45 River Road (Rt-179)
Canton, CT 06019

Emergency Calls Police/Fire/Medical: 911
Routine Calls: (860) 693-0221Routine Calls: (860) 693-0221
Fax: (860) 693-8493 

Accident Reports / Police Records Requests: Please email

Christopher Arciero
Chief of Police & Director of Emergency Management
Phone: 860-693-7872Phone: 860-693-7872

Andrew Schiffer
Police Captain
Phone: 860-693-5832

Sarah Smith
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 860-693-7692Phone: 860-693-7692

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