YOUR SILENT NEIGHBORS, Francis J. Kuster, Catholic Priest
by David K. Leff
A Collinsville native, Rev. Francis J. Kuster (1881-1936) attended local schools and then St. Charles College in Elliot City, Maryland. He was ordained in 1907 at the Seminary of Tarnow, Poland, where he studied theology. He started his career as assistant at several churches in Connecticut: St, Francis’s in New Milford, St Joseph’s in Willimantic, St. Mary’s in Jewett City, St. Patrick’s in Norwich, and St. Joseph’s in Bristol.
In 1919 he became pastor of St. Joseph’s Church in Chester. He was also supervisor of St. John’s School in Deep River. The funeral was held at St. Joseph’s church in Chester with a pontifical high mass celebrated by the Most Rev. Maurice F. McAuliffe, Bishop of Hartford.
“Farther Kuster attained a high reputation in the care and training of boys,” according to the Farmington Valley Herald. “With this ability he linked a thorough knowledge of gardening which is a principal item in the administration of St. John’s School. His qualities of leadership won for him the esteem and affection of the many boys with whom he worked as well as a wide circle of friends in Deep River and Chester.
Rev. Francis J. Kuster is buried in Calvary Cemetery, Collinsville.
“Your Silent Neighbors” introduces readers to people out of Canton’s past. Readers are encouraged to visit these gravesites and pay their respects to the people who have helped make our community what it is today.