NEW POSTING: Canton Police Officer Positions
The Town of Canton is accepting applications for both entry level and lateral transfers for the position of police officer. Salary Range is $62,718 to $82,855.
Persons seeking the entry level position should do so through . Deadline for Entry Level applications is Friday, January 31, 2019.
State Troopers or POST Certified Officers seeking a lateral transfer should submit an application before Monday, December 3, 2018. Applications are available at the Canton Police Department or may be obtained on-line at, “Employment Opportunities” section. Lateral transfer Applications are to be sent to: Town of Canton, 4 Market Street, P. O. Box 168, Collinsville, CT 06022. Attention Robert Skinner. Lateral transfers from POST Certified Officers or State Troopers will be required to successfully complete a written examination, drug screening, background investigation, polygraph, psychological, oral interview and physical examination. A copy of current POST certification must accompany the application. Salary range for lateral transfers is $66,727 to $70,804.
Minorities and females are encouraged to apply. EOE.