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6/7/2015 - Join CLT for bird watching, hiking, BBQ & more!

Join Canton Land Trust for a weekend full of options: easy bird walk, rigorous hike and annual barbecue

The Canton Land Conservation Trust invites all to join a family-friendly bird walk on Sat. June 6, or a strenuous uphill hike on Sun. June 7 – or both! – to celebrate another year of Land Trust stewardship of Canton’s natural lands.
Non-members and members alike are welcome to both hikes, as well as to the Land Trust’s Annual Meeting and barbecue June 7 at 4 p.m..

On Sat. June 6 at 9 a.m., Land Trust Director Sarah Faulkner will lead a bird walk at the Mary Conklin property. Meet at the parcel’s unpaved parking lot, on Indian Hill Road approximately 1 mile north of Rt. 44, the 2nd driveway on the left north of Spaulding Road.

On Sun. June 7 at 1 p.m., Land Trust Co-President Jay Kaplan will lead a challenging hike up Onion Mountain, leaving from the Roaring Brook Nature Center parking lot, 70 Gracey Rd.

Wear appropriate shoes and bring binoculars (especially for the bird walk), but please leave your dogs at home.

Also on Sunday, the Land Trust will hold its Annual Meeting and barbecue at 4 pm at the Pratt Cabin, 84 Cherry Brook Rd. Members will vote to elect next year’s officers and board members.

In its 43 years, the Trust has acquired nearly 2,000 acres that it safeguards for the benefit of wildlife, the environment and for the public’s enjoyment.
See for information including: directions, trail maps, how to join the Land Trust, how to sign up for email notices of events, photos of Canton's stunning topography and varied wildlife, and more.
The Canton Land Conservation Trust is a non-profit conservation organization formed in 1972 to acquire, preserve and protect land of scenic, natural or historic value within the Town of Canton; to maintain this land and its plant and animal life using the best conservation, wildlife habitat and forestry practices available; and to promote public awareness, understanding and enjoyment of the land.