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10/16/2014 - Town Historian & Poet Laureate Needed

Town Historian, Deputy Town Historian and Poet Laureate Needed for the Town of Canton

The Canton Board of Selectman is looking for residents who are interested in serving in the Town’s newly created positions of Town Historian, Deputy Town Historian and Poet Laureate.  Since its incorporation, the Town has benefited from the dedication of its residents to employ civic responsibility and continuously engage in community volunteerism.  On August 27, 2014, the Board of Selectmen approved the voluntary positions of Town Historian, Deputy Town Historian and Poet Laureate. The positions were a request of the Canton Main Street organization. Those appointed will promote the knowledge and appreciation of Canton’s history along with the appreciation of the spoken word, writing and the arts in Canton. Residents appointed to the positions will serve for a terms of four years. Those appointed will report to the Director of the Canton Public Library and shall serve on a voluntary basis without compensation.  Applicants for the positions shall be residents of Canton.

The Town Historian and Deputy Town Historian shall possess enthusiasm for the community, have a strong public service orientation and demonstrate knowledge and a desire to teach, write and promote local history. They shall also have knowledge of the skills and techniques necessary to perform historical research and possess good written and oral communication skills.

Applicants for the Poet Laureate shall possess an enthusiasm for the community, have a strong public service orientation and demonstrate a knowledge and passion for poetry.

Interested individuals may apply for the positions by completing an application (Town Historian Application) (Poet Laureate Application). The application along with a copy of the policies that created the positions (Town Historian and Deputy Town Historian Policy) (Poet Laureate Policy) can be found on the Town website:, under the Government Section of the website

Applications deadline Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 4:30PM to Town of Canton, 4 Market Street, Collinsville, CT 06022. Attention Robert H. Skinner, CAO.