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7/22/2014 - Office Hours with State Representative Tim LeGeyt

Contact me...

Feel free to contact my office with any question, concern or state-related issue where I can help.


State Rep. Tim LeGeyt

Legislative Office Building

Hartford, CT 06106


(800) 842-1423 (Toll Free)

(860) 240-8700 (Local)

(860) 240-0207 (Fax)

Hope to see you there!

Dear Neighbors,

I'm pleased to announce that I will be hosting office hours to meet and talk with the residents of Avon and Canton during the month of July.

I have scheduled both a morning and an evening meet and greet opportunity that will allow me to hear your concerns.

July Office Hours Schedule:

Tuesday, July 22nd
Bruegger’s Bagels on 45 East Main St., Avon from 8:30a.m. - 9:30a.m.

McDonald’s on 220 Albany Tpke., Canton from 4:30p.m. - 5:30p.m.

I encourage any interested residents from Avon and Canton to attend and voice their concerns.

If you are unable to attend, but would like to voice a concern, please contact my office at 800-842-1423 or email

I look forward to seeing you there.

Thank you,

Tim LeGeyt

State Representative, 17th District

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