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5/28/2014 - *Interested in Development along Route 44 and in Collinsville?

Interested in Development along Route 44 and in Collinsville?

The purpose of this message is to make sure you are aware of the present project to create a new set of Design Orientated Regulations for Route 44 and Collinsville.

Click here for a Save the Date flyer.

Why is this important to me?  This project would provide a Community Based Vision of what future development in these areas should be and look like. 

This may lead to a more streamlined process for permitting future development projects and site changes that are consistent with this vision. 

The results of this project may change the types and combinations of uses and densities that may be allowed on properties in these areas.

The results of this project could affect, or be effected by:

* educational considerations (more houses?)
* economic considerations (more businesses?);
* tax considerations (revenue for services?);
* neighborhood and recreational considerations;
* environmental considerations (protecting natural resources);
* utility service areas (water and sewer);
* stormwater run-off;
* bicycle and pedestrian safety;
* agricultural considerations;
* traffic;

among many others but most importantly, the existing and future character of the Town.

What about Collinsville?  In Collinsville, the intent of this project is to create regulations that represent and allow what is found in the present built environment (current regulations do not do this).

When and Where?

A Pre-Workshop Education Session was held on April 30th that introduced the process, present Zoning Regulations, and the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development.

The next Pre-Workshop Education Session will be May 28th at 7 PM at the Community Center.  This will include a presentation of the existing physical conditions of the study area. The site analysis will show areas that may be suitable for new development or infill/redevelopment, or areas to be conserved. 

This will prepare for visioning and design work that will be produced during a more intensive Hands-On Public Engagement Workshops (a Charrette) that will occur between the 9th and 12th of June (see back of flyer for schedule).

The Hands-On Workshop is an opportunity for the entire community to start thinking about, and drawing, the best places for Canton to grow or conserve. The design team will pose question such as “where are the gateways to Canton?”, “Where would you like to see increased residential such as townhomes or condominium apartments?”, and “Where is additional park space needed?”, among others.

Changes in the future are inevitable.  There will always be changes proposed that will affect the character of Canton.  But the time for us as a community to choose how new development occurs, what it will be and represent is now. 

This is your town and these decisions are yours to make!

What can I do?

Please spread the word and come help:

·         Forward this to and contact those you believe would have interest in participating;

·         Distribute the flyer to your neighbors;

·         Place a copy of the flyer in your storefront;

·         Put this on the agenda for discussion at your next meeting;

·         Distribute this to a newsletter, list-serve, blog, or e-mail chain you manage or participate in;

·         Make your friends, customers, and neighbors aware;

·         Write a letter to the local media;

·         Attend and bring your family and friends;

Can I send comments now?  E-mails and advanced input are welcome!

I want to make sure I’m included.

Please feel free to submit an e-mail address if you’d like to be included on the project distribution list.

Thanks, but no thanks.  If you do not wish to receive future e-mails on this matter, please send a message and your e-mail will be removed.

All e-mails in response to this message will be coordinated through

Best Regards,
Neil S. Pade AICP
Director of Planning and Community Development
Town of Canton, Connecticut