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4/1/2014 - *Collinsville Streetscape Design Project Kick-Off - April 1

Collinsville Streetscape Design Project Kick-Off
Site Walk
April 1, 2014

As you know, at Special Town Meeting on Wednesday, October 9, 2013, the Town approved the appropriation of funds for the purpose of designing public improvements to Collinsville and accepted a Connecticut Main Street Investment Fund Grand in the amount of $387,000 for the purpose of funding the construction of some of the public improvements.

Kent+Frost Landscape Architecture, has been hired by the Town to develop the design for these improvements and the design portion of this project is officially under way. 

The consultant will be conducting a site walk and kick-off meeting for community stakeholders and interested parties on Tuesday April 1, 2014.  The site walk will step off at the Town Hall entrance on Main Street at 3 PM.  Following the site walk, the consultant will be available for a project kick-off  discussion at the Town Hall Auditorium (anticipated start time between 4:00 – 4:30 PM).

Interested members of the public are welcome to attend both the site walk and subsequent discussion.

Please feel free to contact the Land Use Office with any questions.  860-693-7856