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9/12/2013 - *Construction Update - High Street Roadway Improvement

Construction Update - High Street Roadway Improvements            

Reclamation of the existing pavement on the northerly portion of High Street will commence on Friday, September 13, 2013 weather permitting.  Please be advised that parking on or adjacent to the roadway should be avoided during these activities.  The pavement reclamation activity is expected to take approximate 2 days (Friday and Monday).  The pulverized pavement will then be graded and made passable until a new bituminous surface is placed in these areas.

Drainage improvement and full depth reconstruction activities on the southerly portion of High Street will take place concurrently with the pavement reclamation activities.

The roadway will be open to local traffic at all times during construction.  Residents using High Street may experience delays during completion of these activities.  Detours signs will be provided during construction activities to reduce traffic congestion during construction. 

We appreciate your patience during the completion of the project. 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Jeff Shea, Project Administrator, at or tel. 860-693-7855.