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7/15/2013 - *Canton Library available as cooling station

It's hard to stay cool these days...
join us at the Canton Library...
the "coolest" place in Town!

During the extreme heat which is forcast for the remainder of this week, please take advantage of the cool air conditioning available at the Canton Library, 40 Dyer Ave. The Library is open:

Monday-Thursday 10am-8pm
Friday 10am-5pm
Saturday 10am-1pm

Residents are reminded to take extra precautions this week during the extreme heat:

· Drink plenty of non-alcoholic beverages throughout the day, even if you don't feel thirsty.

· Stay out of the sun whenever possible. If outdoor activities are required, try to accomplish them in the morning when temperatures are cooler.

· Check on pets, neighbors, the young and elderly.

· Watch for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Do not delay in seeking medical assistance.

Please CLICK HERE to visit the American Red Cross's website for more information on how to prepare for the heat.

Questions regarding this release can be directed to:
Adam B. Libros
Fire Marshal/Director of Emergency Management