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6/20/2013 - *Canton participating in today's statewide Emergency Preparedness Drill


The Exercise Will Simulate a Major Ice Storm in Western Connecticut
The Town of Canton is participating in today's statewide emergency preparedness drill designed to simulate a major ice storm in the western part of the state.  Coordinated by the state’s Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS), the exercise is designed, among other things, to improve communication between the state’s utility companies and state and local governments during emergencies and to test the state’s mutual aid system.  Key local officials are meeting to simulate preparedness, response, and recovery planning.  A CL&P liason is also present to ensure improved communications between the utility and town for road clearing and utility restoration.  Town officials will be reviewing emergency support plans.   

While the Town strives to be prepared for every severe weather scenario, including thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornado and fire weather, we consistently and constantly look to improve our ability to respond.  The National Weather Service is predicting a very active hurricane season this year with 13 to 20 named storms.  Around 7 to 11 of them could become hurricanes, with 3 to 6 possibly becoming major hurricanes.  This is well above the seasonal average of 12 named storms, 6 hurricanes and 3 major hurricanes.