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6/6/2013 - *Canton’s 2013 Revaluation Process Has Begun

Hartford-based company PBS Systems LLC has been contracted by the Town of Canton to conduct the 2013 revaluation process which is taking place during the month of June. In a revaluation, the market value of each property in town is estimated and that estimate becomes the basis of the assessment for the following year's tax, and for the four years following that. The process is mandated by the State of CT.

There are three authorized inspectors conducting field research which includes viewing properties from the street or knocking on the door for a brief interview and walk-through. Their vehicles are on file with the Canton police and they are carrying photo ID which says “Town of Avon – Assessor’s Office” (the two towns’ offices work together). Sales verification of sales within the last 18 months is of particular importance.

Assessment change notices are anticipated to be mailed out in mid-November 2013. These new assessments will affect the July 2014 tax bills.

For additional information call the Canton Assessor’s Office at (860) 693-7842.