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5/5/2013 - *Canton Land Trust Naturalist-Guided Walk - May 5th

Spring has sprung!
Take a closer look with Canton Land Trust naturalist-guided walk.

Bring your questions about vernal pools, wild flowers, mammals and changing seasons to the Canton Land Conservation Trust’s Uplands Preserve at 8:30 a.m., Sun. May 5.

Tom Noonan, biology and ecology teacher at Talcott Mountain Academy of Science, Mathematics and Technology, will conduct a nature walk through the preserve. The walk will begin at the end of the cul de sac on Westwood Drive (not at the other trail entrance on Uplands Drive.)

See for details.

The Canton Land Conservation Trust is a non-profit conservation organization formed in 1972 to acquire, preserve and protect land of scenic, natural or historic value within the Town of Canton; to maintain this land and its plant and animal life using the best conservation, wildlife habitat and forestry practices available; and to promote public awareness, understanding and enjoyment of the land.

Solicitation for the benefit of Canton Land Trust by:
Town of Canton
4 Market Street
PO Box 168
Collinsville, CT 06022