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12/15/2023 - Boat Launch Project ~ 50 Old River Road

Boat Launch Project ~ 50 River Road

UPDATE 11/29/23

Good Day,

Work continues on the new Canoe & Kayak Launch Project. The last two weeks were busy with the contractor installing the anchorage concrete around the perimeter of the block & cable platform. The coffer dam that allowed construction without disturbance of the riverbed was drained and removed from the site. The first section of split rail fencing was installed at the top of the embankment which has been loamed, seeded and covered with straw mulch. The new trail section has been prepared for paving, and a concrete approach ramp was based, formed and poured. Things are looking really good at this stage in the project. Weather has been cooperating so far, and hopefully that will continue.

“If you don't like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes.” - Mark Twain

Please keep in mind that although the gravel parking lot is now temporarily closed, the river trail is still open. When walking on the trail, please follow the arrows and detour signs to bypass the construction zone safely and please be aware of trucks entering and exiting the site. We hope folks continue to enjoy the trail during construction of the launch!
Please feel free to call 860-693-7855 with any questions.

Week 4 ~ Updated Photos


UPDATE 11/16/2023

Good Day,

This week saw a great deal of progress on the new Canoe & Kayak Launch Project. The contractor roughed out and compacted the subgrades for the ramp and a water-filled coffer dam was installed. This allows the workers to install the platform at the bottom of the ramp without having to enter the water. This also allows construction without disturbance of the riverbed. The block & cable platform where users will enter the water was delivered and put into place on a stone base. There have been questions regarding protection of wildlife along the embankment. DEEP was notified early in the planning phase of the project, and all required state and local permits were applied for with requirements being closely adhered to. Things are going smoothly, and as the project progresses, it’s easier to see what the final product will look like. River access will be easier than it ever was, and also so much safer than having to portage kayaks & canoes up and down muddy, steep embankments.

"Rivers are places that renew our spirit, connect us with our past, and link us directly with the flow and rhythm of the natural world." - Ted Turner

Please keep in mind that although the gravel parking lot is now temporarily closed, the river trail is still open. When walking on the trail, please follow the arrows and detour signs to bypass the construction zone safely and please be aware of trucks entering and exiting the site. We hope folks continue to enjoy the trail during construction of the launch!
Please feel free to call 860-693-7855 with any questions.

Week 3 ~ Updated Photos

UPDATE 11/9/2023

 Good Day,

Work continues on the new Canoe & Kayak Launch Project adjacent to the Farmington River Trail (behind the DPW on River Road). This week the contractor completed installation of erosion & sedimentation controls. These will prevent sedimentation due to construction activities from entering the river. Also, the area for the realignment of the trail was excavated and debris removed from the site, and the ramp area was excavated along the river embankment. The ramp when completed, will allow easier public access to the water. An added bonus is that the view of the river afforded by the installation of the new ramp will be absolutely gorgeous.

“Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.”
-Norman Maclean

Please keep in mind that although the gravel parking lot is now temporarily closed, the river trail is still open. When walking on the trail, please follow the arrows and detour signs to bypass the construction zone safely and please be aware of trucks entering and exiting the site. We hope folks continue to enjoy the trail during construction of the launch!
Please feel free to call 860-693-7855 with any questions.

Week 2 ~ Updated Photos 

UPDATE 11/2/2023

Good Day,
The new Canoe & Kayak Launch Project adjacent to the Farmington River Trail (behind the DPW on River Road) began in earnest this week. The town’s contractor Yield Industries mobilized equipment needed to construct the launch area and the new section of trail. A safety fence was installed around the work zone, erosion controls were put into place and trees were removed. Keep in mind that although the gravel parking lot is now temporarily closed, the river trail is still open. When walking on the trail, please follow the arrows and detour signs to bypass the construction zone safely and please be aware of trucks entering and exiting the site. It looks like there’s some lovely autumn weather ahead so the project should move quickly. If the weather continues to cooperate, we currently anticipate completion by December 8th.

“Not yesterday I learned to know
The love of bare November days
Before the coming of the snow…” – Robert Frost
We hope folks continue to enjoy the trail during construction of the launch!
Please feel free to call 860-693-7855 with any questions.

Week 1 ~ Current Photos