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4/3/2023 - FREE Home Composting Workshop

FREE Home Composting Workshop sponsored by The Temporary Sustainable Waste Management Committee


Would you like to learn about turning your household food scraps and garden waste into compost? Please join us for a FREE home composting workshop at the Canton Community Center on Thursday, April 20th from 4-6pm. We will begin in Room F with an informational presentation by UConn Master Composter, Marc Warren, followed by an outdoor demonstration at the community garden behind the building. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers.

Marc, a resident of Simsbury, CT, spent most of his career in the business world, but following retirement in 2012, he found a passion for sustainability. He installed solar panels on his house, started gardening organically, installed rain barrels, stopped using pesticides and herbicides on his lawn and helped create a pollinator-and bird-friendly environment in his yard through the use of native plants. As part of his gardening and sustainability effort, Marc started composting by building simple and inexpensive bins made from poultry netting and metal posts. By using kitchen scraps, lawn clippings, shredded newsprint, tree branches, leaves, and wood chips, Marc has been producing enough compost for all of his vegetable gardens and lawn.

Marc completed the UConn Master Composter Program in 2021 and is a Certified Master Composter. Since then, he has volunteered in multiple towns throughout Central and Northern Connecticut promoting backyard composting. His latest volunteer effort was helping to construct an educational compost garden in Middletown, CT. Marc also volunteers at Roaring Brook Nature Center in Canton, CT in the seemingly never-ending task of removing invasive plants in the Butterfly Garden.

If you have any questions, please contact DPW at 860-693-7863. Thank You!