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9/27/2022 - Temporary Committee on Senior Tax Relief
The Board of Selectmen is looking for five (5) volunteers for a Temporary Committee on Senior Tax Relief. 
The purpose of the Committee is to study and make recommendations on changes in existing tax policies or the adoption of new tax policies that provide tax relief for seniors. The focus of the Committee shall include but not be limited to:

• Review of ordinance Chapter 40, Article VI entitled Program of Property Tax Relief and make recommendations for any changes.
• Review and make recommendation as to the adoption of a Senior Property Tax Freeze pursuant to CGS 12-170v.
• Research and make recommendations for other tax relief programs that may financially benefit seniors.

The Committee will serve for a term of one-year, unless dissolved by a vote of the Board of Selectmen at an earlier date. The one-year term shall begin upon the initial meeting of the Committee. The Committee shall give a preliminary report to the Board of Selectmen on the status of their research and possible recommendations no later than April 15, 2023.  

If you are interested in serving on the Temporary Committee on Senior Tax Relief, please submit a volunteer application and resume to Robert Skinner, Chief Administrative Officer, at or return the application and a resume to: 
Robert Skinner
4 Market Street 
P.O. Box 168
Collinsville, CT 06022