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8/30/2022 - Paving Update-Tentative paving to take place on 8/31/22

Paving Update-Tentative paving to take place on 8/31/22

Paving of The Green, Front Street, Lower South Street, Spring Street, Sunset Terrace, and New Road will take place Wednesday (8/31/22), weather permitting. Please use the Town Hall parking lot for overnight parking. If you are unable to use the parking lot, please be sure to move your vehicle by 5:30 AM as our crew will be in the area working at 6:00 AM on Wednesday.  These roads will be open to Emergency vehicles and local traffic during the process. Please use caution when approaching these areas and expect delays. Please contact Canton DPW at (860) 693-7863 with any questions. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!