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3/21/2012 - *FRCC Scholastic Scholarships Available

Farmington River Coordinating Committee

2012 Scholarship Application


The Farmington River Coordinating Committee (FRCC) was established when 14 miles of the upper Farmington River were designated a National Wild & Scenic River on August 26, 1994.  FRCC is comprised of representatives from each of the five towns adjacent to this section of the Farmington River (Barkhamsted, Canton, Colebrook, Hartland, and New Hartford) as well as representatives from the Farmington River Anglers Association, the Farmington River Watershed Association, the Metropolitan District Commission, the CT Department of Environmental Protection, and the National Park Service.  FRCC embodies an important partnership of the riverfront towns and others to provide stewardship of the Farmington River and its upper watershed.  For more information about FRCC, please visit

FRCC intends to award two scholarships in 2012.  The Pat Keener Scholarship and the Nancy Johnson Scholarship are $1,000 awards given to high school graduates or current undergraduates from the five riverfront towns who will be/are attending college to major in environmental science or a related field.  By completing this application, you will be eligible to receive either scholarship. The scholarships may not be awarded to the same student.



To be eligible for the scholarships, applicants must meet the following criteria:


  • Graduating senior
  • Resident of Barkhamsted, Canton, Colebrook, Hartland or New Hartford
  • Plan to attend a two or four-year college in the fall of 2012
  • Plan to major in environmental science or a related field



  • Current undergraduate student at a two or four year college
  • Resident of Barkhamsted, Canton, Colebrook, Hartland or New Hartford
  • Currently majoring in environmental science or a related field

Selection Process:

All applications must be received or post-marked by Friday, April 20, 2012.  Late applications will not be considered.

The scholarships are merit-based.  The recipients will be chosen by FRCC based upon the materials provided in the application. 

Application Requirements:

The application must contain the following completed forms and documents.  Incomplete applications will not be considered.

  • Application Form
  • Student Accomplishment Summary/Resume
  • Personal Essay
  • Academic Transcript (high school or undergraduate)


Completed applications are to be mailed to the below address or emailed in PDF format to

Farmington River Coordinating Committee

c/o Bill Roberts

58 Country Lane

Canton, CT 06019


Please contact Bill Roberts at 860-380-0405 or with any questions.

Farmington River Coordinating Committee

2012 Scholarship Application

Application Form

Please type or print legibly in blue or black ink.

1.         Demographic Information

Name:  _____________________________________    
Phone #: _______________________

Mailing Address:


Email Address: _________________________________________________________________ 

High School:                                                                                                                      

College/University you are planning to attend (if known) or currently attend:


2.         Student Accomplishment Summary/Resume

On a separate sheet(s) of paper, please provide a list of your activities, academic and/or athletic accomplishments, recognitions, employment, and volunteer activities. 

3.         Personal Essay

On a separate sheet(s) of paper, please discuss your interest in environmental issues and science and describe why you plan to (or why you presently do) major in environmental science or a related field.

4.         Certification

To the best of my knowledge, all information contained in this application for the 2012 Farmington River Coordinating Committee Scholarships is complete and accurate.

________________________________     ______________________________

Student Signature                                                       Date

*Please remember to include your academic transcript*