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3/15/2012 - *Balloon Test Conducted on March 14th

The balloon test originally scheduled in February at the Collinsville Fire Station site was held March 14th.  The company interested in locating a cell phone tower on the site, Global Tower Partners, flew a balloon at a height of 150 feet above the existing ground to simulate the height of a possible cell phone tower on this site.

Below are photographs from various vantage points of that balloon test. The test balloon has been circled in green to assist with locating the test balloon in the photographs. The following vantage points were also reviewed - but no visual contact was made of the balloon at these locations:

1. Route 202 Bridge Over Farmington River
2. Rear of Powder Mill Village
3. Torrington Avenue
4. End of Collins Street at St Patrick’s Cemetery (obstructed visual contact with balloon)
5. Dunne Avenue
6. Huckleberry Hill Road
7. Cemetery Road
8. Atwater Road
9. Collins View Road
10. Pheasant Hill Road
11. Town Bridge

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact Bob Skinner or Jeff Shea at 860-693-7855.