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8/24/2012 - *Class of 1972 40th Reunion
Canton High School Class of 1972
40th Reunion Weekend Celebration

Details are being finalized for the Canton High School's 40th Reunion Weekend Celebration to be held on Friday evening August 24, Saturday August 25, & Sunday August 26, 2012.
Friday evening will be a casual get-together at Ricefields Restaurant (the old South Pacific), 220 Albany Turnpike in Canton. Come if you’d like and pay your own way.
Saturday's event will be a backyard get-together at Tulmeadow Farm. Sunday's event will be a brunch at Gary Adajian's home. Please RSVP as a head count for the food is needed to finalize the cost per person for each of these events.
Organizers are trying to find all of the 1972 graduates and need your help to get everyone’s current mailing address, phone number(s) and especially email addresses.
A Newsletter/Class Directory will be sent out via Email after the weekend so email addresses would be most appreciated!
If you are a classmate or know one, please help us by sending current contact information to:,
Or fax it to 860.528.5935

For more information visit the Class of '72 Facebook page (
or contact Gary Adajian ( or Betty Fiora (