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3/20/2012 - *Canton Land Conservation Trust Annual Dinner - March 20th


The Canton Land Conservation Trust is pleased to announce that Steve Grant will be the speaker at its Annual Dinner on Tuesday, March 20, 2012, at La Trattoria Restaurant.  The subject of Mr. Grant's talk will be "My Office is the Outdoors: A Career Exploring Connecticut's Wildlands".  Mr. Grant is now a freelance writer following a twenty-nine year career with the Hartford Courant in which he covered subjects from politics to the sciences.  Nature, travel, the green movement, agriculture, energy and the natural sciences were all subjects covered by Mr. Grant in his uniquely informative and interesting manner.  Paddling down the length of the Connecticut River from its source to Long Island Sound resulted in a series of articles which are among his most remembered.

Mr. Grant will speak at 8pm, following a silent auction and cash bar at 6pm, and dinner served at 7pm.  Anyone with questions concerning the event or wishing to make a reservation should call (860) 693-2074 before March 13th.  One may also make a reservation for just Mr. Grant's talk.

The Canton Land Conservation Trust is dedicated to protecting the open space of Canton and promoting awareness, understanding and enjoyment of the land.  Individual Memberships begin at $25 and Family Memberships at $50.  For more information about the Canton Land Conservation Trust go to