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9/9/2021 - Collinsville Streetscape II Update


12/19/22 Update:
We are at the end of the construction season for year 2022 and also at substantial completion for our project. It was a mad dash to get a few more things done before everything shut down, but we managed it. Eversource graciously removed the pole in our way at North & Bridge. This allowed Laviero to complete the granite curbing at the intersection and finish the sidewalk ramp, with pavement milling and paving scheduled for next spring. You may recall the Streetscape II plans were drafted and approved by the town and it’s residents years ago. The North & Bridge Street area is now constructed to the original plan. A few more project items remain: some signage, some minor curbing work, etc. This will be addressed over the winter after a punch-list is generated. Martin Laviero Contractors did an excellent job for us on this project, their prior streetscape experience really shined through. They should be finished with all work by this Thursday the 21st. 

I think it’s fitting that the project comes to completion on the Winter’s Solstice, I hope you celebrate the light even in the darkest of times.
I’d like to thank all the residents and merchants for being so supportive of the project during the course of over a year of construction activity in Collinsville.

We sincerely hope you are pleased with the final product.

Enjoy the coming winter and have a wonderful Holiday Season!

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-7855 with any questions. 

11/10/22 Update:
As fall becomes winter, towns in Connecticut are scrambling to finish construction projects before the weather turns. There is also the holidays to consider. It would be wonderful to wrap up 100% before the festive season arrives. Unfortunately, some things are harder to get done than others, and this project is no exception. We await patiently the shifting of utility cables from the old pole to the new, at the intersection of North and Bridge Street. Once that occurs (hopefully by next week) Martin-Laviero can return to complete the intersection curbing and remaining sidewalk. If the weather cooperates, we can then mill & pave that area as well. A few more small sidewalk sections were completed recently, and all landscaping is now done for the year.

I would like to thank all the merchants, their staff & customers and all the residents of Collinsville for working together to keep vehicles off the roads while we painted all the crosswalks, parking spaces and stop bars this week. It came off without a hitch and everything was done to plan. Collinsville knows how to work together to get things done, a rare trait and a greatly admired one. “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it." – H.E.Luccock

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. Please slow down while traveling through work zones. Thank you.

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 with any questions. 



11/04/22 Update:
Collinsville Daytime Parking Restrictions for Tuesday November 8th:
This coming Tuesday morning November 8th, Safety Markings Inc. will be in Collinsville to finish the preparatory mark out for line striping, crosswalks and stop bars in the Streetscape project area. This preparatory marking is used as a guide and has to occur before we can line stripe the roads. To ensure access to all portions of the roads, there will be a parking ban on Main Street, Market Street, North Street and River Street the first half of the day from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please plan on parking in the Town Hall parking lot or on The Green during those hours.

Collinsville Overnight Parking Restrictions for Tuesday November 8th:
The painting crew will return the same day in the evening to complete the line striping of the previously marked areas. There will be a parking ban on Main Street, North Street, Market Street and River Street starting at 7:00 pm until 7:00 am. 
The remaining streets in Collinsville that were freshly paved this fall and previously marked out will also be line-striped overnight. There will be a parking ban enforced overnight on Front Street, South Street, East Street, Johnson Place, upper Main Street, upper North Street, New Road, Sunset Terrace, and Spring Street from  7:00 pm until 7:00 am.
Again, please utilize the Town Hall parking lot and The Green overnight.

10/14/22 Update:
Some wet weather of late, slowing things down a bit. A few shade trees were planted, and landscaping went in at the parking lot and at the performance platform on River. Looks wonderful. Eversource set a new utility pole at the corner of North & Bridge, now we await the crew to return to move the wires over and remove the old pole so we can wrap up the intersection. A couple of sidewalk panels and a few more sections of granite curb will be installed next week. Speaking of granite, this will be known as the year no one could get any. We struggled to get curb deliveries, and recently we were unable to source granite blocks to complete a tree well in front of the Valley House. Windsor DPW came to our rescue by supplying 40 granite landscaping blocks from a stockpile they had in their yard. Many thanks to Director Bob Jarvis at Windsor DPW. Henry & Casey from Canton Parks Dept. did a beautiful job installing the blocks and mulching the tree-well, photos attached. Nice work guys!

Of note, our esteemed Martin Laviero Project Manager Jerry Dionne, has finally retired after decades of both operating his own company and working for Laviero. Jerry did a stellar job getting this project going and bringing it almost to completion. We wish him the all the best in his retirement. Thank you Jerry! His duties have been taken over by Mark from Martin Laviero, Mark has been on the project since day one as Foreman and  is a very talented equipment operator as well.

The line-painting contractor will be in town to layout the striping work, we will notify everyone when the over-night painting is scheduled as there will be an overnight parking ban in place.

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. Please slow down while traveling through work zones. Thank you.

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 with any questions. 


10/4/22 Update:
There is a definite chill in the air as winter approaches, but first we have some beautiful fall weather to wrap up the project. Curbing continues to get installed and there’s still a little bit of sidewalk to do yet. We are also awaiting the relocation of a utility pole on North Street, hopefully that’s completed this week as well. Landscaping on River Street and a few shade trees on Bridge Street should be installed beginning Friday. The line-painting contractor will be in town to layout the striping work, we will notify everyone when the painting is scheduled.
It would be great to have everything wrapped up before the leaves all come down so we can enjoy the new work that’s been done framed by a spectacular autumn, but of course, that’s up to mother nature. Alas, the leaves will fall when they are ready.

“So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day,
Nothing gold can stay.” – Robert Frost

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. Please slow down while traveling through work zones. Thank you.

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 with any questions. 

09/26/22 Update:

At last, the remainder of the granite radius curb order has arrived and is being installed. Also, the final sidewalk sections are being poured. Once this is completed, we will begin pavement line striping and final landscaping. 
Enjoy the lovely fall weather.

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. Please slow down while traveling through work zones. Thank you.

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 


09/15/22 Update:

Roadway paving in Collinsville is now complete, the new pavement really changes the feel downtown, in a positive way. It looks fresh and clean and should last a generation. The DPW crew worked hard prepping and with traffic safety. Galasso Materials of East Granby did an awesome job spreading the asphalt over old village roads that hadn’t seen fresh pavement or structural reinforcement to the pavement cross section for many years. Much like replacing shingles on an old roof, a sound investment for sure. Thank you for your patience everyone!

Market Street looks great too, freshly paved and with the new bluestone-stamped sidewalk finish. Also, a special thanks is in order: Canton Main Street Inc. applied for and received a $4,000.00 Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Grant. This grant award allowed the group to purchase and donate to the town four picnic table/benches, two regular backed park style benches and a sturdy steel trash receptacle. The units purchased have been placed around downtown and they fit in beautifully with the Collinsville vibe. Thank you Canton Main Street!

Martin-Laviero will be back in town next week to accept a delivery (finally) of radius curb and complete the installation. We are looking good and almost at the finish line folks. “Whatever good things we build, end up building us”-Jim Rohn

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. Please slow down while traveling through work zones. Thank you.

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions.



09/08/22 Update:
Roadway paving in the Streetscape Project limits continues with The Green, Front and South Street completed. The rest of Collinsville also continues to get a pavement refresh, it looks terrific everywhere you go. Of note, our DPW crew worked hard to repair some washed out areas due to the heavy rains, in preparation for paving. Nice to have the rain though!

As promised I have attached some photos of the finished stampcrete work done on Market Street by Martin Laviero Contractors. The process involves pouring bluestone colored concrete, applying a vinyl stamp mat form-liner, applying pressure and removing, leaving behind a rough imperfect finish that looks just like natural bluestone with shading and ridges. Bluestone really gives the sidewalks an old-timey vintage flair, uncommon on most city streets. Check it out if you have a chance, it looks amazing and really dresses up the street. “There is a kind of beauty in imperfection” – Conrad Hall

Paving Update-Tentative paving to take place on Saturday, 9/10/22
Paving of East Street, Upper North Street and Cemetery Road will take place Saturday (9/10/22), weather permitting. Please use the Town Hall parking lot for overnight parking. If you are unable to use the parking lot, please be sure to move your vehicle by 6:30 AM as our crew will be in the area working at 7:00 AM on Saturday.  These roads will be open to Emergency vehicles and local traffic during the process. Please use caution when approaching these areas and expect delays. Please contact Canton DPW at (860) 693-7863 with any questions. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. Please slow down while traveling through work zones. Thank you.

Here is a link to the project plans in PDF:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 


09/01/22 Update:

Collinsville resembles a beehive of late, with paving underway and Streetscape still in progress. The paving taking place in the project area, has really brightened up the environs. It’s been a little stressful for motorists having to use alternate routes to avoid the fresh asphalt and DPW greatly appreciates your cooperation and patience. It’s short term pain for a long term gain if you will, as we won’t have to repave the neighborhood for at least a couple of decades.

Here’s something important: please be careful walking your dogs around the freshly paved roads. Fresh asphalt pavement arrives on the job at 275-300 degrees Fahrenheit. It comes out of the paving machine at over 220 degrees. Even after rolling with a cold water coated rolling drum and an hour in the shade, it can still be around 160 degrees. Too hot for bare puppy paws for sure. Please wait a couple of hours before walking the dog on the fresh pavement. “Everything I know, I learned from dogs” -Nora Roberts

FYI, folks have been inquiring why we installed the granite curb/sidewalk bump out areas at the corner of Front & Main, and River and Main. The intent of those areas is to provide an area of refuge for pedestrians as well as a traffic calming radius in the roadway. Before these were installed, I noticed some motorists (out of towners for sure!) whipping around the corners, particularly at River & Main. The bump outs were designed to help alleviate that problem. 

Gil, Dennis, Dylan and Fabian from Martin Laviero Contractors are in the process of completing the bluestone-colored stamped concrete along the sidewalk on Market Street. It’s a nice finishing touch to the patio area. I’ll have the finished product photos for you next week.

From DPW:

Paving Update-Tentative paving to take place on 9/1/22, 9/2/22 & 9/6/22

Paving of The Green, Front Street, South Street, Sunset Terrace, New Road, North Street, East Street, and Cemetery Road will take place Thursday (9/1/22), Friday (9/2/22) and Tuesday (9/6/22), weather permitting. Please use the Town Hall parking lot for overnight parking. If you are unable to use the parking lot, please be sure to move your vehicle by 5:30 AM as our crew will be in the area working at 6:00 AM on these days.  These roads will be open to Emergency vehicles and local traffic during the process. Please use caution when approaching these areas and expect delays. Please contact Canton DPW at (860) 693-7863 with any questions. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!


Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. Please slow down while traveling through work zones. Thank you.


Here is a link to the project plans in PDF:


Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 




8/25/22 Update:
So much activity in Collinsville this past week! DPW has commenced its annual milling and paving program, and Collinsville streets are getting a refresh for the first time in decades, including all streets in the Streetscape project limits among others. As such, the Streetscape construction crew has been absent so as not to get in the way of the milling & paving operations. They will return Monday to do some more work on Market Street and hope to button that up by the end of next week. Radius granite curb is also scheduled to arrive at the end of next week. One can hope. A really nice touch is that the decorative street lighting has gone up over on River Street. It looks terrific, I can’t wait to come out in the evening and see River Street illuminated. After the oppressive recent heatwaves I’m imagining a snowy winter’s eve strolling along under those beautiful street lights. “If streetlights could speak, they’d tell me not to fear shadows as the light is not so far”.- Fathima Shamla. Of course Collinsville, is as lovely in shadow as it is in light.

A special thanks this week to our DPW team, led by our Foreman Dan Manyak. He and his crew have been instrumental in coordinating with Jerry Dionne and the Streetscape crew in preparing for the pavement rehabilitation in Collinsville. The DPW guys are such a valuable asset to the town, they accomplish so much considering the small size of their crew. 

Town Hall staff will be parking at the church beginning tomorrow through next Friday, while the paving operation takes place. That will free up numerous spaces in the parking lot at Town Hall. We are grateful to the Christ Congregational Church in Collinsville once again for their kindness in helping us out with our construction projects.

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. 
As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a link to the project plans in PDF:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 




You may have noticed that the slotted area of concrete on Market Street has been jackhammered out. The contractor and the town identified this area as one that we felt was not up to par with the rest of the project. As a result, the contractor agreed to re-do the area, but this time using stamped bluestone color concrete. This work will be done at no additional charge to the town and should look terrific. Additionally, a couple of cracked sidewalk slabs are being replaced. The occasional cracked slab on a new sidewalk project is pretty typical, usually the cause is concrete that dried too quickly, or sometimes the area beneath the pour was not compacted adequately. Our sidewalks are covered under a one year warranty from the date of project completion, so we’re protected in any case. Market Street is currently closed because of the excavation mentioned above, but will re-open in time for the weekend. The sidewalks there will remain closed however, until the new concrete is poured next week sometime. Please use the Main Street or parking lot entrance to Town Hall until then. New pedestrian ramps have been installed at Bridge and River Streets, once the beacons are installed we can open this crossing to pedestrians. This will link that end of the project to the River Trail. We patiently await delivery of the radius granite curbing needed to complete some of the intersections. Jerry checks daily with the supplier to make sure we are first on the list for delivery. 

“Waiting is a form of passive persistence.” – Ogwo David Emenike. This crew is very persistent, working in bad weather and good, working shorthanded some days due to illness or vacations, encountering ledge rock and underground conditions that were unknown and also working through a sometimes difficult to interpret construction plan and coming up with creative ways to get the job done. Waiting for materials like the rest of the construction world, but still persistently moving forward each day.

FYI, Milling & Paving operations begin in Canton on or about August 24th, weather permitting. Collinsville streets are included in this year’s program.

Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. 

As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a link to the project plans in PDF:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 


 Finally, the heatwave is broken with cooler temps and lower humidity. Dry weather does help speed things along, and our crew is taking full advantage of that. Sidewalks and curbing continue along Bridge Street. The Front Street area is almost complete with Jay the Mason finishing up the installation of the lovely vintage bluestone set in mortar in the sidewalk. Please go take a look, it’s pretty amazing work. You’ll recall this bluestone (and all other bluestone on the south side of Main St.) is custom cut from the original bluestone that was the walking surface for so many years. The old bluestone was deteriorated in many areas, but we salvaged the best pieces and incorporated them into the new walkways. So now we have modern concrete walks while still paying homage to the historic nature of Collinsville.

It’s all coming together now, and in coming weeks you’ll see the finishing touches going in project-wide. Many people have been coming up to the crew, offering compliments and encouragement. The anticipation of completion is in the air now and everyone seems pretty happy with the results of the crew’s hard work. Everyone seems to be in a good mood where the project is concerned!

That sanguine expectation of happiness which is happiness itself.” – Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility

Jane always had a way with interpreting what people were feeling.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend. J

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area.

As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc.


Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction.


Here is a link to the project plans in PDF:


Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 



8/8/22 Update:
The crew continues to battle the high heat & humidity but is gaining ground on the project nonetheless. Diverse components of the project are being installed simultaneously: granite curbing,  concrete sidewalk, bluestone banding and loam and seed. As the concrete crew finishes up on Front & Main, the curbing team moves along on Bridge Street. It’s impressive to see how this team works so well together to keep things moving on all fronts. 

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. 

As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a link to the project plans in PDF:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 



7/28/22 Update:
The weather seems to have stabilized a bit, but it’s still not raining very often. Good for Streetscape, bad for the vegetable gardens! We broke a few eggs this week, the crew has been working hard to wrap up the sidewalks around the Post Office on Bridge Street. There’s a nice walkway now leading down from the Town Hall parking lot. The intersection of North and Bridge is beginning to look very different. Stay tuned, there’s more to come. The corner of Main and Front Street has been a challenge to say the least. An underground mountain of solid granite was discovered during excavation, along with a conglomerate of underground utilities that has made it difficult for some pre-existing components of the project to be moved per plan. As I have said in the past, the Martin-Laviero crew led by Project Manager Jerry Dionne has found creative ways to get things done despite hardships like shallow ledge rock, or multiple underground utilities in a tight area. Not always exactly to plan, but always attractive, functional and durable. Kudos to him and the crew. Material shortages continue to plague the construction industry. For our part, we continue to press our supplier for a delivery of radius granite curbing, necessary to complete the project. With all the underground granite at the corner of Main & Front we could have probably cut our own curbing! 

I’ve noticed  quite a few Collinsville dogs out walking their owners lately. It reminded me of a poem: “A dog on a walk is like a person in love-you can’t tell them it’s the same old world”- Pat Owen, St. Paul Minnesota.

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. 

As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a link to the project plans in PDF:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 



7/21/22 Update:
How about this heat! New Englanders love talking weather, so here’s my two cents. The long-range forecast calls for things to cool off a bit next week which should make things a lot more comfortable for our crew. You can imagine how bad it’s been this week.

Also, CPD has had officers on site for traffic control on Bridge Street, we are grateful for their assistance too. Please stop by the job and say hello, the guys appreciate the recognition.  :)
We are hoping for another granite delivery in a couple of weeks, still having supply issues on that material. Sidewalks are going in near the post office and along Bridge Street to the bottom of North, and looking good. The corner at River & Main is almost complete, just a few more days and it’s done. Almost ready for that string quartet! (or how about the high school Chamber Singers?). FYI, there is a display platform at the corner of River and North that can be utilized for a public announcement sandwich board, artwork,  sculpture, etc. 

Speaking of River Street, I’ve noticed more activity along the boulevard. People hanging out, merchants conversing with each other, an empty wine glass on a ledge, a dog snoozing on the sidewalk, a bald eagle overhead, etc. Even on a hot day, folks (and pets) are taking advantage of the widened walks. The hustle & bustle of downtown in general seems to be on track. Once we are out of the way with our construction, I believe things will really pop.
Hey, it’s not exactly the Champs-Elysees, but it’s pretty darn nice for the valley! But seriously folks, things are looking good in Collinsville. Go stand at the top of the hill on Main Street and tell me if that’s not the prettiest view around. Great little village.

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area.
As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a link to the project plans in PDF:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 


7/15/22 Update:
It’s been a very busy week in Collinsville with ATT working on the cell tower at Town Hall, a private contractor working on a new water main connection at 10 Front Street (lots of ledge under the walks over there!) and of course, Streetscape. 

Summer is being good to us, the project is progressing under clear blue skies. Jay the Mason has installed the bluestone pavers on the performance/display platform at Main & River, it looks terrific! The ADA ramps have been poured there as well. Excavation has begun along Bridge Street, granite curbing is going in with sidewalks to follow. This will make is safer for pedestrians to get around the area and provide better access to the post office and Main Street while the traffic calming reconfiguration of the intersection at Bridge and North will slow traffic in the area. The crew will continue along Bridge Street and ultimately there will be a continuous pedestrian access from the bottom of River Street all the way to Main.

In this week’s photos there is one that stands out. I was in Windsor Center last Saturday for their Butterfly Festival and noticed decorative knitted sleeves around some of the utility poles and trees. It’s a cool way to brighten up the areas along the sidewalks, while showing off local artisan’s talents. Since there are a few utility poles around Collinsville I wanted to let folks know how another town is finding ways to beautify their neighborhoods.

I’d like to thank all the merchants and residents that have stopped me on the street to say how much they like the work being done, it means a lot. I’ve passed your comments on to the crew as well. They were glad, and proceeded to tell me about folks stopping by and dropping off cookies, cold water, and offering compliments on the project. Collinsville is a very special place, I hope the streetscape project enhances the uniqueness of the neighborhood.

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area.
As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a link to the project plans in PDF:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 




7/7/22 Update:
Lots happening on Streetscape this week! The corner of River & Main continues to be the focal point of the project. The base for the bluestone pavers is installed, the sidewalks adjacent to the platform are going in as we speak. Granite curb is installed and bluestone, landscaping and decorative lighting will be along shortly. Some more curbing was installed at the bottom of River Street as well. FYI, The construction currently taking place at the corner of Front and Main is a private project related to a new water main connection for #10 Front St, and not Streetscape related.

So much sidewalk out there, I hope that artists of all ages in Collinsville see the clean white concrete as a canvas for their colored-chalk creativity!  Imagine a sidewalk summer art festival, with live music, art displays, and street food. There is so much we can do with the improvements that have been made, I’m sure that folks will come up with some great ideas.

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area.  As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a link to the project plans in PDF:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 


6/30/22 Update:
The crew is working steadily, it’s been excellent weather for pouring concrete and for construction in general (although we could use some rain!). This week’s photos show the forming and pouring of the red colorized concrete cap for the new brick performance/display space at the corner of River & Main. It’s really coming together now, with radius curb going in as well. Landscaping and bluestone comes next. Also, sidewalks have been installed on the corners of The Green and Main, landscaping at all of these areas will follow. 

You can really envision how it’s all going to look. The sidewalks of Collinsville will be a very exciting place for local artists in the months ahead! Like Penny Lane said, “It’s all happening!”. Indeed it is.

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. 

As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 


6/27/22 Update:
Waiting for the radius curbing has set us back a few days, but work is now progressing at a good pace again. Hopefully the rain holds off.
The crew has saw-cut the pavement and installed the granite curbing at the islands on The Green. The mason is currently sealing all the remaining open joints with mortar. Curbing and sidewalk were installed on the corner of The Green and Main, and more will be poured at the crossing and corner tomorrow morning. The concrete crew is also forming the concrete cap on top of the walls at the corner of Main & River, and will pour that with colorized concrete in a few days. Curbing and sidewalk work on the corner of Front & Main should begin early next week as well. 

Please Note: We are working to re-establish the link to the project plans.  We should have that back up and running by the next update.

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. 
As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 


6/17/22 Update:
Miracle of miracles, the radius granite curbing is arriving this morning! This will permit the crew to begin installation and continue on with the project. Since there was no work the last few days I don’t have any photos to share this week, my apologies. Saw cutting will come first for the areas where the radius curb has to go in. A little noisy, a little dusty. Should go pretty quick though. Once that’s all done we can form and pour more sidewalk. Let’s hope the nice weather continues, not too hot, not too wet.

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area.
As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 

6/10/22 Update:

We have run into a bit of a snag, availability of radius granite curbing is very limited at the moment. We have been told to expect a possible two-week delay in delivery. In the meantime, the gutters are being paved where the straight curb was installed last week, and the brick masonry work at the corner of Main & River is now complete. We plan on pouring more concrete next week to fill in the gaps here and there. Crosswalk flashing beacons have been ordered for the pedestrian crossing at the bottom of North and Bridge St. as well.
As we ease into summer, we should be able to envision the completion of the project in about two months, barring any further delays such as stormy weather! “Warm Summer Sun, Shine Kindly Here”-Mark Twain. 
So far so good Mr. Twain, mostly!

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. 
As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 



6/2/22 Update:
Work continues unabated under late spring skies. Jay the Mason continues to work his magic at the corner of Main & River. I stood at the top of the brick & mortar platform he is constructing there and envisioned an artist’s work being displayed on an easel, or a solo cellist performing Bach or Vivaldi for passers-by on a warm summer evening. A small concrete display area has been installed behind the brick retaining wall at the corner of North & River as well. I envision this as a place for a sculpture, or overflowing flower pots that can be replaced by variety, depending on the season. There is so much opportunity once this project is finished, to utilize these little spaces in-between. Like a song, it’s the spaces in between that often matter more than the whole. Streetscape projects are at least as much for form as for function, thank goodness.
Curbing is now complete along River down to Bridge and also continues to be installed on The Green. Granite curbing works wonders for older, weary mill-town streets, and it’s doing exactly that for Collinsville. It’s a refresh long overdue, while still maintaining the lovely historic nature of the place. Granite is one of the oldest building materials and well worth the extra effort to install. 

If I may, I’d like to take a moment to remember David Leff. I spoke to David many times over the course of the project, I think he was very pleased with its progress. I definitely know he was happy about the granite curbing installed on The Green.  I will miss his wave and his smile and our chats whenever he saw me walking by his home.
I was so impressed that Canton had a poet-laureate (David) when I came to work here! An anonymous writer tacked up a poem on the Town Hall bulletin board on Market Street as a tribute to David.  Please take a moment to read it. It’s a lovely poem for a lovely guy. 

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount.  Please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. 

As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 



5/27/22 Update:
The Martin Laviero Contractors Inc. mason and crew, are working hard on the corner of River & Main to complete the artist’s display and performance area. Please take a walk by and check out the red brick walls currently under construction. This should be the focal point of the project once it’s done, and we are looking forward to seeing how it turns out. Sidewalk ramps and granite curb continue to be installed down River St., all the way to Bridge St. and are looking great. We await the delivery of radius granite curb in a week or so to be able to complete the two islands on The Green.

Note: Friday the 27th will be paving day all along the new granite curbing areas on River and The Green. Please be aware that parking in areas where the gutter needs paving will be inaccessible for a few hours on Friday.

Please take a good look at some of the many photos on the Town website or on the Town of Canton Facebook page. This week I would like to recognize Jerry Dionne (last photo) who is the Project Manager for Martin Laviero. Jerry has had decades of construction experience first as a small construction company business owner and then as a project manager for Martin Laviero. Jerry is always willing to come with solutions for any issues that crop up and we are very pleased to have him and his crews working on our project.

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. 
As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Manager, Martin-Laviero Contractors Inc. at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 



5/20/22 Update:

Two full crews are on-site continue to hammer out (literally) the project scope. The crew encountered an outcropping of ledge at the artist’s display and performance space in front of Collinsville Bank. They had to spend a day jackhammering it down to an elevation that will allow construction of the retaining wall and platform, very hard work indeed. Please take a walk by and check out the brick wall currently under construction. River Street sidewalks are almost 100% done as well, and looking great.

Granite curb is almost fully installed on The Green. It looks phenomenal, and totally amplifies the historic nature of that lovely street.

Please take a good look at some of the many photos below. This week I would like to recognize Mark the excavator operator, Oinx operating the loader and building catch-basins, Marcus and Dennis, laborers (in front of Collinsville Bank), and Gil and his crew-Tony, Dylan and Fabian installing the granite curb on The Green and doing all the sidewalk flatwork for the project. The great thing about these guys is that each one of them can shift gears instantly and do multiple tasks depending on the day’s work schedule. Pretty impressive.

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc.

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction.

Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Superintendent, Martin-Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions.


5/12/22 Update:
Phew! So much work has taken place over the last week! Two full crews are working hard to complete the project as soon as possible. Granite curb, drainage, decorative lighting, and sidewalk installation continues along the east side of River Street. As soon as the radius granite curb is delivered, the crew will begin the installation of the artist’s display and performance space in front of Collinsville Bank. The widening of the walks on River Street will allow for folks to congregate outdoors at the local businesses and provide a much more immersive shopping and eating experience on the street. Granite curbing is also being installed on The Green as we speak. The nature of this curb is that it is long-lasting, durable and also discourages “curb hopping”. This should cure the decades long issue of the lawns on the street being eroded by cars parking on the grass, which will provide a much more pleasant aesthetic and stop eroded soils form entering the storm systems.

Please take a good look at some of the many photos on the Town website. I want to recognize Jay the Mason, who has been doing the masonry work at Martin-Laviero Contractors for many years. There are plenty of photos showing the lovely job he is doing with the bluestone on Main Street and on River Street. Good job Jay!

Really, the entire crew is doing a terrific job, many merchants and residents have let me know that they are pleased with the work being done.

I have a special request: Please keep in mind that construction workers are in the roadway during this project. Safety is always paramount, please spread the word for drivers to slow down when passing through the work area. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator, Town of Canton at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne Project Superintendent, Martin-Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 



5/6/22 Update:
The original bluestone on Main Street has been custom cut and installed into the new concrete sidewalks on the south side. Work continues on River Street with granite curb, light pole base & conduit, sidewalk and bluestone bands being installed. Radius curbing has been ordered and when it arrives, the corner areas of Front & Main, and River & Main will be completed. Roadway saw cutting will be completed for granite curbing installation on The Green as well.

Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 


4/28/22 Update:
The Streetscape II project is moving along at a quick pace. Work continues on Main with granite curb, light pole base & conduit, sidewalk and the original bluestone bands being installed. On River Street, the Valley House driveway apron is complete and granite curb is being installed on the ABC Pizza side of the street. 

Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. Patrons of  local merchants may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot where extra spaces have been made available. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. we also have the added issue of working during a pandemic so crew availability is monitored more closely. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 

INSTRUCTIONS: Right-click any of the thumbnail images below and choose "Properties...". Then click the photo icon for "Choose Image" to change the photo. Be sure to also add a "title" using the image manager.


4/22/22 Update:
The Streetscape II project is now back underway for the 2022 construction season. Work began this week at Main & Front Streets and is proceeding up the hill towards The Green. Granite curb is being installed and concrete poured along the base to lock it in place. The Bluestone sidewalk slabs have been removed, saved, and sections will be saw-cut and then replaced into the concrete walks so we can preserve some of the older walking surface while still making it safe for pedestrians. Concrete will begin to be poured this afternoon and also on Monday. On River Street, the Valley House driveway apron is also being completed today. 

Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. Patrons of  local merchants may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot where extra spaces have been made available. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. we also have the added issue of working during a pandemic so crew availability is monitored more closely. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 


4/12/22 Update:
We were notified this afternoon by our contractor Martin-Laviero, that the granite curbing for the Streetscape Project is being delivered this Thursday, April 14th. 

If a construction crew is available, excavation will begin the same day. They plan to continue working on Friday as well. As stated previously, work will begin at Main & Front Streets and proceed up the hill towards The Green.

Once excavation begins, patrons of  local merchants may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. we also have the added issue of working during a pandemic so crew availability is monitored more closely. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 

4/4/22 Update:
We were notified this morning by our contractor, Martin-Laviero, that the delivery of granite curbing for the Streetscape Project has been delayed. Unfortunately by the time it arrives, the rain will have moved in.  Therefore, they are postponing the restart of the project until next Monday, April 11th.
Sorry for the confusion and any inconvenience this may cause.

3/31/22 Update:
The project will restart on Monday April 4th beginning with project layout, saw cutting and the installation of granite curb. The Streetscape contractor Martin Laviero Inc. is presently securing this year’s supply of the necessary linear feet and correct coloration of granite curb for the remainder of the project. Excavation on Main Street will begin at the corner of Front Street and proceed up the hill. We will continue to work towards moving things along as quickly as possible to try and get Main Street completed before the summer season.

Some Reminders:
Contractor work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
The construction sequence for this phase of the project will include replacement of curbing, sidewalks, catch-basins and decorative lighting,  beginning at Main & Front street and proceeding up the hill. 
Once excavation begins, patrons of  local merchants may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot, where additional spaces are being freed up beginning Tuesday April 5th. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. we also have the added issue of working during a pandemic so crew availability is monitored more closely. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 

12/16/21 Update - The Streetscape II project is wrapping up for the season, this will be the final update this year. 

The sidewalk installation at the corner of Main & River is completed. Some sidewalk work has been done on River Street, the rest will be completed in Spring. This week the crew has been working on installing sidewalk, the bluestone bands, control joint cuts and performing general clean-up. Salt Guard will be applied to the concrete to help protect it for the winter. Lamp posts are now scheduled to be delivered in January due to supply chain problems. They will be installed immediately upon arrival.
Updates will resume in the Spring upon return of the construction crew to Collinsville. The Town of Canton and our contractor Martin-Laviero would like to thank the business owners and residents of Collinsville for their patience and assistance in getting the project started and helping us to keep it flowing smoothly up to this point.
If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 



12/10/21 UpdateThe sidewalk installation at the corner of Main & River has been delayed due to an illness on the crew, an emergency repair in another town and the weather, which has begun to turn against us after a terrific fall season that allowed for a lot of progress. We apologize for the delay and inconvenience. The crew is back to full strength and we are pouring sidewalks today and all next week at the corner of Main & River Street. Bluestone bands, control joint cuts and general clean-up will occur as well. Lamp posts are scheduled to be delivered on December 31st and will be installed immediately upon arrival.

As always, the Town of Canton and Martin Laviero Contractors thanks you for your patience. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Some Reminders:
Contractor work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. We also have the added issue of working during a pandemic, so crew availability is monitored more closely. 
Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during Streetscape II construction. Main Street will remain open during Streetscape II construction.
I had a request for the plans to be made available. Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:
Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 



12/3/21 Update - Bluestone for the sidewalk cut–outs on Main St. are almost all installed.  The curb and sidewalk installation is turning the corner of River Street. Dry weather allows for the regular construction season to be extended, but sooner or later the temps will be too low for concrete. We do anticipate pouring sidewalks all next week at the Valley House and on River Street.

Still waiting on lamp posts, crossing our fingers on the supply chain and delivery. (I’m told lamp post parts are delayed in transit).

As always, the Town of Canton and Martin Laviero Contractors thanks you for your patience. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Some Reminders:

Contractor work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.

Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. We also have the added issue of working during a pandemic, so crew availability is monitored more closely. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during Streetscape II construction. Main Street will remain open during Streetscape II construction.

I had a request for the plans to be made available. Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 



11/19/21 Update - Bluestone for the sidewalk cut–outs on Main St. is being installed. The sidewalk installation is progressing up the North side of Main Street and around the corner of River Street, with curbing and sidewalk being installed. We hope to have the lamp posts installed over the next couple of weeks, but the supply chain might be affecting delivery. Once the lamps arrive, installation will be fairly quick.

As always, the Town of Canton and Martin Laviero Contractors thanks you for your patience. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Some Reminders:
Contractor work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
The construction sequence for this phase of the project will include replacement of curbing, sidewalks, catch-basins and decorative lighting,  beginning in front of LaSalle Market and proceeding up the hill to Market St. Once this is completed, the contractor will turn down Market Street and complete that phase before winter shutdown. Weather permitting, the contractor may continue up Main Street to River Street, on the North side.
Patrons of LaSalle Market and other businesses may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot, where additional spaces are being freed up beginning Sept. 20, for the duration of the first phase of the project. Additionally, the Town Hall lower parking lot entrance is open during business hours.
Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. We also have the added issue of working during a pandemic, so crew availability is monitored more closely. 
Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during Streetscape II construction. Main Street will remain open during Streetscape II construction.
I had a request for the plans to be made available. Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:
Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 


11/12/21 Update - Market Street work is finishing, the concrete bases for the decorative light standards and new curbing is installed on the corner of North St. The Market Street sidewalk and Town Hall entrance is open. Reminder: Please use the concrete sidewalk for pedestrian traffic. The roadway is for vehicular traffic.
Bluestone for the sidewalk cut–outs on Main St. has been delivered (finally) and will be installed shortly. The sidewalk installation is progressing up the North side of Main Street to River Street.
We will lose today (11/12) due to rainy weather, but we will pick up on Monday and keep the project moving. As long as materials are available and the granite curbing supply is replenished we will continue with construction until the temperatures fall below freezing.
As always, the Town of Canton and Martin Laviero Contractors thanks you for your patience. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Some Reminders:
Contractor work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
The construction sequence for this phase of the project will include replacement of curbing, sidewalks, catch-basins and decorative lighting,  beginning in front of LaSalle Market and proceeding up the hill to Market St. Once this is completed, the contractor will turn down Market Street and complete that phase before winter shutdown. Weather permitting, the contractor may continue up Main Street to River Street, on the North side.
Patrons of LaSalle Market and other businesses may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot, where additional spaces are being freed up beginning Sept. 20, for the duration of the first phase of the project. Additionally, the Town Hall lower parking lot entrance is open during business hours.
Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. We also have the added issue of working during a pandemic, so crew availability is monitored more closely. 
Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during Streetscape II construction. Main Street will remain open during Streetscape II construction.
I had a request for the plans to be made available. Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:
Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 


11/05/21 Update - Market Street work is just about completed for the season. Granite curbing, sidewalk, bollards, lighting bases and the wide promenade style sidewalk area adjacent to Town Hall are now installed. There will be decorative light standards and new curbing installed on the stretch beyond Town Hall as well, but that should be it. The Market Street sidewalk and Town Hall entrance is now open. Please be sure to use the concrete sidewalk for pedestrian traffic. The roadway is for vehicular traffic, when opened as is possible.
Bluestone for the sidewalk cut–outs on Main St. is still delayed as are so many other items needed to complete projects across the state and the U.S. If the bluestone doesn’t arrive soon, we will have these cut outs paved with asphalt for the winter and complete the bluestone install next spring.
Due to the spectacular weather, we are able to keep the project moving beyond what was originally anticipated. The contractor is proceeding up Main Street on the North side, removing the old broken sidewalk slabs and granite curb, to be replaced with new next week. The project is anticipated to stop for the season at a point in front of the Valley house, or possibly on River St. This is mostly due to the limited granite curb stockpile, which is down to about 100 feet total. Of course this weather can’t last very much longer, and pouring concrete in freezing temperatures is not prudent.

Of Note: Beginning Monday of next week, ATT contractors will be working at Town Hall replacing the antennas on the roof cell tower. A section of Main Street will be closed between Front Street and Market Street. A detour route will be set up and police officers will assist with traffic control. ATT anticipates the work taking 3-5 days.

As always, the Town of Canton and Martin Laviero Contractors thanks you for your patience. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Some Reminders:
Contractor work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
The construction sequence for this phase of the project will include replacement of curbing, sidewalks, catch-basins and decorative lighting,  beginning in front of LaSalle Market and proceeding up the hill to Market St. Once this is completed, the contractor will turn down Market Street and complete that phase before winter shutdown. Weather permitting, the contractor may continue up Main Street to River Street, on the North side.
Patrons of LaSalle Market and other businesses may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot, where additional spaces are being freed up beginning Sept. 20, for the duration of the first phase of the project. Additionally, the Town Hall lower parking lot entrance is open during business hours.
Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. We also have the added issue of working during a pandemic, so crew availability is monitored more closely. 
Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during Streetscape II construction. Main Street will remain open during Streetscape II construction.
I had a request for the plans to be made available. Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 


10/29/21 Update -Poor weather showed up and impacted progress this week. Although we lost a day of work due to heavy rain, the crew was able to come back out and continue the project the next day.
The corner area of Main & Market is completed. The rail/wall repair at Town Hall looks terrific. Market Street work continues and should be completed next week, weather permitting. Granite curbing, sidewalk, bollards and lighting, and the wide promenade style sidewalk area adjacent to Town Hall are being installed. Bluestone for the sidewalk cut–outs on Main St. is delayed, but should see that come in next week. The cut out areas have been touched up with fresh stone and compacted, for the Halloween parade goers to traverse safely. The Main Street entrance to Town Hall remains open. The Market Street Town Hall entrance and also the roadway between Main Street and Town Hall remains closed. Once the concrete promenade area is completed and the roadway paved, Market Street and Town Hall entrance will be fully reopened. The lower parking lot entrance is open during Town Hall business hours as well.

As always, the Town of Canton and Martin Laviero Contractors thanks you for your patience. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Some Reminders:
Contractor work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
The construction sequence for this phase of the project will include replacement of curbing, sidewalks, catch-basins and decorative lighting,  beginning in front of LaSalle Market and proceeding up the hill to Market St. Once this is completed, the contractor will turn down Market Street and complete that phase before winter shutdown. Weather permitting, the contractor may continue up Main Street to River Street, on the North side.
Patrons of LaSalle Market and other businesses may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot, where additional spaces are being freed up beginning Sept. 20, for the duration of the first phase of the project. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. We also have the added issue of working during a pandemic, so crew availability is monitored more closely. 
Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during Streetscape II construction.
I had a request for the plans to be made available. Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:
Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 




10/22/21 Update - The fall weather has been perfect, and work on the project continues unabated.
The corner area of Main & Market has seen some significant changes from how it used to be. Granite curbing, sidewalk, rough out for bollards and lighting, and the wide promenade style crossing area are all installed. Two underground storage tanks have been successfully removed and an old, deteriorated gas service line was replaced. We are still waiting on delivery of some bluestone for the sidewalk cut–outs. Pavement repair is completed on Main Street. Starting with today’s concrete pour, the contractor will concentrate their efforts on finishing the work on Market Street next week.

The Main Street entrance to Town Hall is open. The Market Street Town Hall entrance and also the roadway between Main Street and Town Hall remains closed. Once the promenade area is completed, Market Street and Town Hall entrance will be fully reopened. It is anticipated that this will be the end of next week or the following week. The lower parking lot entrance is open during Town Hall business hours as well.

As always, the Town of Canton and Martin Laviero Contractors thanks you for your patience. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Some Reminders:
Contractor work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
The construction sequence for this phase of the project will include replacement of curbing, sidewalks, catch-basins and decorative lighting,  beginning in front of LaSalle Market and proceeding up the hill to Market St. Once this is completed, the contractor will turn down Market Street and complete that phase before winter shutdown.
Patrons of LaSalle Market and other businesses may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot, where additional spaces are being freed up beginning Sept. 20, for the duration of the first phase of the project. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. We also have the added issue of working during a pandemic, so crew availability is monitored more closely. 
Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction.
I had a request for the plans to be made available. Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:
Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 



10/15/21 Update - New curb is now installed, as is the sidewalk heading up Main Street to Market in front of Town Hall. Hopefully, the bluestone should be in stock next week and the cut out areas will be completed. Work on Market Street is next. 
The stone wall in front of Town Hall has been rebuilt and looks great.
The Main Street entrance to Town Hall is now open. The Market Street entrance to Town Hall is only accessible from the North Street end of Market. The Market Street roadway between Main Street and Town Hall remains closed. Once the promenade area is completed, Market Street and Town Hall entrance will be fully reopened. The lower parking lot entrance is open during Town Hall business hours as well.

As always, the Town of Canton and Martin Laviero Contractors thanks you for your patience. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Some Reminders:
Contractor work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
The construction sequence for this phase of the project will include replacement of curbing, sidewalks, catch-basins and decorative lighting,  beginning in front of LaSalle Market and proceeding up the hill to Market St. Once this is completed, the contractor will turn down Market Street and complete that phase before winter shutdown.
Patrons of LaSalle Market and other businesses may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot, where additional spaces are being freed up beginning Sept. 20, for the duration of the first phase of the project. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. We also have the added issue of working during a pandemic, so crew availability is monitored more closely. 
Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction.
I had a request for the plans to be made available. Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:
Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 




10/8/21 Update - The roadway cut in front of LaSalle Market has been paved and the sidewalk there opened to pedestrian traffic. The contractors have excavated the old curbing and bricks heading up Main Street to Market. New curb is being installed and the sidewalk installation will follow next week. Of note, the stone wall in front of Town Hall partially collapsed due to deterioration of the mortar and is being rebuilt, which has caused a minor delay.
 Accessibility to Town Hall offices is through the lower parking lot entrance or on Market Street. The Main Street entrance remains closed. Once the sidewalk is completed, the Main Street entrance will be reopened. 
Work is proceeding very well, the Town of Canton and Martin Laviero Contractors thanks you for your patience. As always, if you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Some Reminders:
Contractor work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
The construction sequence for this phase of the project will include replacement of curbing, sidewalks, catch-basins and decorative lighting,  beginning in front of LaSalle Market and proceeding up the hill to Market St. Once this is completed, the contractor will turn down Market Street and complete that phase before winter shutdown.
Patrons of LaSalle Market and other businesses may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot, where additional spaces are being freed up beginning Sept. 20, for the duration of the first phase of the project. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. We also have the added issue of working during a pandemic, so crew availability is monitored more closely. 
Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 
I had a request for the plans to be made available. Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:
Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 




10/6/21 Update - The sidewalk in front of LaSalle Market has been installed. The asphalt stripes you see in the photo are placeholders for bluestone slabs which are on backorder and will be installed in approximately two weeks. This was done in order to open the walks right away and keep LaSalle Market accessible to their customers.
Excavation is proceeding up the hill on the north side, we anticipate sidewalk installation later this week.


10/1/21 Update - The granite curbing in front of LaSalle Market has been installed. The sidewalk is formed and being poured today (10/1). The electrical conduit is being installed along the Town Hall parking lot and next to the stage area. This conduit will power the new decorative lighting along Main Street.
Next week, the roadway cut in front of LaSalle Market will be paved and the sidewalk opened to pedestrian traffic. The contractors will continue excavating the old curbing and bricks heading up Main Street on the north side, followed by new curb and sidewalk installation. Weather permitting, we should be at the corner of Market Street by Friday.

Access to Canton Town Hall beginning Monday, October 4th, will be either through the 4 Market Street entrance or the back entrance of Town Hall off the parking lot.  This back entrance (which is handicapped accessible) leads you to the Lower Level of Town Hall.  Take the stairs or elevator to gain access to the offices.   

Some Reminders:
Contractor work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
The construction sequence for this phase of the project will include replacement of curbing, sidewalks, catch-basins and decorative lighting,  beginning in front of LaSalle Market and proceeding up the hill to Market St. 
Once excavation begins, patrons of  LaSalle Market and other merchants may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot, where additional spaces are being freed up beginning Sept. 20, for the duration of the first phase of the project. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. we also have the added issue of working during a pandemic so crew availability is monitored more closely. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

I had a request for the plans to be made available. Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 

9/24/21 Update - All saw-cutting and project layout is complete. CBYD is approved. DPW placed signage advising the public that the businesses are open during construction at both ends of the project, one entering Main Street from 179, and one up the hill just beyond Market. Materials & equipment have been mobilized.

Martin Laviero Contractors will commence construction Monday morning, September 27th at approximately 7:00 a.m. The first phase of work will take place directly in front of LaSalle Market and proceed up the hill.

Some Reminders:
Contractor work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
The construction sequence for this phase of the project will include replacement of curbing, sidewalks, catch-basins and decorative lighting,  beginning in front of LaSalle Market and proceeding up the hill to Market St. 
Once excavation begins, patrons of  LaSalle Market and other merchants may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot, where additional spaces are being freed up beginning Sept. 20, for the duration of the first phase of the project. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. we also have the added issue of working during a pandemic so crew availability is monitored more closely. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

I had a request for the plans to be made available. Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 

9/21/21 Update - Saw cutting for curb installation on Main Street, will begin tomorrow morning (Wednesday, Sept 22nd) at 7:00 a.m. The immediate area adjacent to the curbs will be coned off and closed to parking starting tonight at 10:00 p.m.  The Town Hall parking lot is available for off-street parking.

9/17/21 Update - The nature of this type of project requires beginning with the installation of granite curb. The Streetscape contractor Martin Laviero Inc. is presently securing a supply of the necessary linear feet and correct coloration of granite curb for the first portion of the project. Excavation on Main Street will begin the week of September 20th once Call Before You Dig finishes their mark out so we can proceed safely. Additionally, the project surveyor will be in the area performing lay-out for the construction process. We will continue to work towards moving things along as quickly as possible.

The DPW is working on signage that will let people know that the businesses are open during construction. There will be two signs manufactured in house, that will be placed on opposite ends of the project limits. These should be installed next week.

Some Reminders:
Contractor work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
The construction sequence for this phase of the project will include replacement of curbing, sidewalks, catch-basins and decorative lighting,  beginning in front of LaSalle Market and proceeding up the hill to Market St. 
Once excavation begins, patrons of  LaSalle Market and other merchants may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot, where additional spaces are being freed up beginning Sept. 20, for the duration of the first phase of the project. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area. As with any major construction project, schedules are subject to change due to material availability, weather, etc. we also have the added issue of working during a pandemic so crew availability is monitored more closely. 

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

I had a request for the plans to be made available. Here is a drop-box link to the project plan-set:

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator at 860-693-2855 or Jerry Dionne, Martin Laviero at 860-209-5400 with any questions. 

9/9/21 Update - The project is scheduled to begin the week of September 13th, with the contractor Martin Laviero Inc. beginning to mobilize their equipment into the area. 

Work hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
The construction sequence for this phase of the project will include replacement of curbing, sidewalks, catch-basins and decorative lighting,  beginning in front of LaSalle Market and proceeding up the hill to Market St. 
Patrons of  LaSalle Market and other merchants may find it easiest to park in the Town Hall parking lot, where additional spaces are being made available for the duration of work. Parking spaces in the immediate work zone may not be available depending on the type of construction taking place. There may be occasional delays while equipment & traffic moves through the area.

Businesses in the area will remain open and accessible during construction. Main Street will remain open during construction. 

Please contact Glenn Cusano, Project Administrator with any questions at 860-693-7855.