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1/4/2012 - *Permanent Absentee Ballot

Permanent Absentee Ballots


Effective January 1, 2012, the Connecticut General Assembly passed a bill which makes electors with permanent disabilities eligible for permanent absentee ballot status. This status, once attained, remains with the voter until they are removed from the permanent absentee ballot list according to the process outline below or are removed from the town's official registry list, or they request not to receive an application in the future. The status enables the elector to receive an absentee ballot application for each election, primary, and referendum in the municipality in which they are eligible to vote.


To be eligible for permanent absentee ballot status, you must file an absentee ballot application together with a doctor's letter (on the physician's letterhead) stating that you have a permanent disability and are unable to appear in person at your polling place. Mail these two documents to:

Canton Town Clerk
PO Box 168

4 Market Street
Collinsville, CT 06022

Once received, the Town Clerk will send out additional absentee ballot applications to you throughout the year for each event for which you would be eligible to vote.

Once you have attained permanent absentee ballot status, the registrars of voters will send you an annual written notice each January to determine if you continue to reside at the address on your permanent absentee ballot application. In response to this letter, the registrars of voters will do one of three things:

  1. 1. remove you from permanent absentee ballot status if you do not return the notice within 30 days or if the notice is returned as undeliverable;
  2. 2. remove you from the official registry list and send you a voter registration application if you have moved out of town;
  3. 3. leave you on the permanent absentee ballot status and change your address if you indicate that you have moved within Town.

Please contact the Town Clerk at 860-693-7870 if you have any questions.