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12/9/2020 - BOS Public Hearing 12/9/20




December 9, 2020
Virtual Meeting

People can hear the meeting and make comments/questions by calling one of the following numbers:

1 312 626 6799
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1 253 215 8782

Webinar ID: 889 6180 5965
Passcode: 252414

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The Board of Selectmen will hold a virtual public hearing on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. to take comments on the following matter:

  1. Whether the Board of Selectmen shall approve a Small Town Economic Assistance Program grant in the amount of $128,205 to partially fund the relocation of Dyer Softball Field to the Canton Middle/High School located at 76 Simonds Avenue and approve the transfer of $169,295 from the undesignated fun balance to the Capital Improvement Plan account to fund the remaining cost of relocating the softball field.

Board of Selectmen
Robert Bessel
First Selectman