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5/7/2020 - A Message from Superintendent of Schools Kevin Case 5/7/20


I hope this message finds you and your family well. As I'm sure you are aware by now, Governor Ned Lamont announced his decision that all Connecticut Schools will be closed for the remainder of the academic year. This means that "Distance Learning" will continue through June 18, 2020. Our teachers and support staff are working very hard to meet the needs of our students. As administrators and teachers receive parent and student feedback, instructional strategies are adjusted. I cannot stress enough the continued importance of communication during this time. Our teachers and administrators want to hear from you. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions or concerns. It is only through our continued partnership that your child will be as successful as possible. You will be receiving specific information about plans for your children to collect their belongings from the schools prior to summer break from your child's Principal soon.

Grading Practices

Teachers at all grade levels will continue to prioritize content assignments and use curriculum-driven assessments to measure your child's progress. Students at Cherry Brook Primary School and Canton Intermediate School will receive narrative comments from their teachers highlighting strengths and areas in need of improvement at the end of the school year. You will receive additional information from Mr. Robbin and Mrs. Coiteux. As you are aware through last week's correspondence from Mr. Moore and Mr. DiPippo, students at Canton Middle and High Schools will continue to earn traditional grades with a wide variety of support services being offered. Please contact your child's Principal with any questions or concerns about grading practices.

Spring Activities
With the decision to close schools for the remainder of the year, the CIAC (Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference) has determined that all spring sports are also canceled for the season. The CIAC is exploring the possibility of offering sports opportunities for students this summer. More information will be forthcoming from them.

Mr. DiPippo and I have been gathering input from our senior students on the planning of our graduation ceremony to commemorate and celebrate the hard work of our senior students. While we continue to need to be physically distant, we are exploring a few options to celebrate our seniors. Mr. DiPippo will be sending out more detailed information within the next few days. 

Planning for Grade 6 and Grade 8 Promotions is also taking place with parent and student input.

Re-Opening of School

While we are working diligently to ensure the success of our students at this time, we are also planning for the re-opening of school in the Fall. The Governor has formed Regional Advisory Teams comprised of Educators, Board of Education members, Business Leaders, and representatives from the CT Department of Public Health to advise him and the State Commissioner of Education on the plans that should be in place as students return to school. Thank you for providing input to these teams through the "Thought-Leader" link that I sent out last week. I will also be forming a "Re-Opening Task Force" to develop specific plans for our District based upon recommendations from the State and Farmington Valley Health District. I am very excited about the possibilities that the Fall will hold for our students and staff as we come together once again having learned all that we did during these past few months!

Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget

As you are aware from my previous communication last week, the Canton Board of Finance scheduled a Public Budget Hearing for last Monday evening. Unfortunately, due to technological difficulties, the meeting was canceled and postponed to this Monday, May 11th at 7:00 PM. Thank you to those of you who wrote comments regarding the budget. It is not too late if you have comments to share. You can send your comments to The Board of Finance will make the final budget recommendation at their meeting on May 18th. 

Coffee Chats
I had the pleasure of talking with 32 parents over the course of three days through ZOOM Coffee Chats. I am planning on hosting these chats every Thursday from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM beginning on May 14th through June 4th. This is an opportunity for you to ask me any questions or share any comments you have about our School District. An additional communication will be sent for you to sign up. Please consider joining me on a Thursday afternoon. 

Thank you for all that you are doing to support your child's learning at home. I know it is not easy. Please remember to also enjoy family time and to allow your children recess time! Remember, we are here to support one another! 

Stay positive and stay well!
Kevin D. Case
Superintendent of Schools