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3/13/2020 - Highlights from the 03/12/20 IWWA Meeting

Highlights from the March 12, 2020 Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency

  • Accepted the withdrawal of File 11-19-1184;160 Bahre Corner Road and 25 High Ledge Road; Assessors Map 27; Parcels 1160160 and 3080025; Zone: R-3; proposed 16-lot residential Open Space Subdivision; Howard Olson, Herbert Bossardt and Marjorie Bossardt, owners; Gervais Jouvin c/o Family Home Builders, LLC, applicant
  • Continued and scheduled a site walk for File 02-20-1148; 61 Maple Avenue and 10 Atwater Road; Assessor’s Map 35; Parcels 3620061 and 1130010; Zones LITNO and R-1; Show Cause Hearing for Cease and Correct of all regulated activities on-site; Noel’s No Brainers, LLC and Willard & Ann Herman, owners
  • Approved with conditions File 01-20-1186; 27 West Simsbury Road; Assessor’s Map 8; Parcel 5630027; Zone R-3; request to remove trees and deposit fill for the creation of a driveway; Collin Glasson, applicant/owner
  • Continued and scheduled a site walk for File 02-20-885; 325 Commerce Drive; Assessor’s Map 35; Parcel 3330325; Zone IP; request to construct a 6,800 sq. ft. building with associated site improvements; Canton Commerce Center Associates, LLC c/o The Casle Corporation; owners; The Arc of Farmington Valley, Inc., applicant
  • Approved with conditions File 02-20-261; 21 Albany Turnpike; Assessors Map 31; Parcel 1010021; Zone: B; request to demolish existing structures on-site and construct a new 8,105 sq. ft. restaurant with 79 associated parking spaces; Allan Borghesi, applicant; 609 West Main Street, LLC, owner