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12/12/2019 - Highlights from the Dec 11th BOS Meeting

The Board of Selectmen reviewed and commented on the Senior/Social Services Department Strategic Planning Committee’s draft plan. The Committee will come back to the Board of Selectmen with a final plan in January 2020.  
The Board approved a Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Canton Police Department and the Canton School District regarding the hiring of a School Resource Officer. It is anticipated that the new School Resource Officer will be part of the 2020/2021 proposed budget.
The Board approved the process of seeking legal services through a competitive request for proposals process. The process will lead to the eventual Board appointment of the Town Attorney(s). 
The Board voted to dedicate the Annual Town Report to Jay Kaplan for his years of dedicated service to the Town of Canton.
The Board set the date of the Annual Town Meeting as January 22, 2020 at 7:00pm in Room F of the Canton Community Center. The Board will present the Board of Selectmen long range goals at the non-voting meeting.
Board of Selectmen previewed the new Town website and commented on its appearance and usability. The Board also acknowledged the hard work of town staff and agency members who assisted in putting the website together. The website will be rolled out to the public on December 13th.