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11/1/2019 - Canton Volunteer Fire and EMS Announces Recruitment Drive for Cadet Program

Young People Encouraged to Train to Become Volunteer Firefighters and/or EMTs

Town of Canton Volunteer Fire and EMS Department announces an open recruitment drive for its Fire and EMS Cadet Program. Young people, aged 14 to 18, are encouraged to apply for this free training.

What Can Cadets Expect?

Chief of Department, Bruce Lockwood: “Young people who join the Department’s Cadet Program, can get hands-on experience in both fire and emergency medical services. Cadets attend both Program and Department meetings, skills drills and respond to 911 dispatches. As they become more proficient, their operational, communication and practical skills are put to increased use in a wide variety of challenging situations, with the appropriate safety restrictions.”

Since the 1980s, the Department has mentored over 100 young men and women through its Cadet Program. With multiple opportunities available to explore the Department’s fire and EMS services, many of these young people have gone on to careers in the medical field, law enforcement or paid fire service.

Depending on their area of interest, Cadets can learn: how the fire trucks and the ambulance work; the location of equipment, how to use it and their role in deploying it. Cadets can also learn how to secure a sustainable water supply; a critical firefighting skill, which involves: how to dress hydrants, and how to assist in setting up portable ponds during tanker shuttles between water sources.

In addition, at age 16, Cadets are eligible to become certified as emergency medical technicians. Once they pass the National Registry and State practical exams, Cadets work alongside the Department’s volunteer EMTs, as part of a duty crew. They may train to drive the ambulance at age 21.

Once a Cadet turns 18, they may apply for membership to the Department. As a member, they become eligible to attend the State fire academy, to be certified as an interior firefighter. They also have the option to remain an exterior firefighter.

As exciting and interesting as it is to work with Canton’s volunteer firefighters and EMTs, one of the most important life lessons a Cadet can learn is how to enhance their communication skills.

Through their experiences, Cadets learn to effectively communicate with their fellow volunteers, with patients, concerned family members, and the general public; all of whom are typically older than they are. These experiences build respect, maturity and confidence; skills that will help them throughout their lives.

Volunteer service, such as the Town of Canton Volunteer Fire and EMS Department’s Cadet Program, which offers: diverse skills training; unique leadership experiences; and networking opportunities, is a great way to enhance a job, college or tech school application. For more information on how to apply, please go to