North Mountain Road-Cross culvert roadway improvements beginning 8/19/19
The Town of Canton will begin construction of cross culvert improvements on North Mountain Road from East Hill Road to Sexton Hollow Road, weather permitting, on August 19th. The cross culvert is located between 124 North Mountain Road and 131 North Mountain Road. The roadway improvements will include replacing the existing cross culvert, drainage enhancements, additional catch basin, and overlay of the existing bituminous concrete pavement. Construction activities will take place between 7 A.M. and 5 P.M. Monday-Friday. The replacement of the cross culvert is expected to take a week with the road being closed to thru traffic from East Hill Road to Sexton Hollow Road. Emergency vehicles and local property owners will be allowed to use this section of the road during construction activities. We ask that no cars be parked in the road during the construction times mentioned above. Property owners using North Mountain Road may experience delays during completion of the project. Detour signs will be provided during construction activities to reduce traffic congestion. Please contact Canton DPW at (860) 693-7863 with any questions. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!