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6/21/2019 - ***UPDATE 07/25/19***Senior/Social Services Reorganization Info & FAQs


The motion failed by a vote of 76 No - 24 YES


The recent departure of the Senior/Social Services Director has created an opportunity to review the best way of delivering services to the Community.

Click HERE to view the Frequently Asked Questions.

Click HERE to view the Present vs Proposed Organization.

Click here to read more about the proposed Senior/Social Services Reorganization.



Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Notice is hereby given to the electors of the Town of Canton and those qualified taxpayers lawfully entitled to vote in Canton Town Meetings pursuant to Section 7-6 of the Connecticut General Statutes that a Special Town Meeting will be commenced on Wednesday, July 24, 2019 at 7:00 PM in the lower level multi-purpose room located at the Canton Public Library & Community Center, 40 Dyer Avenue, Canton, Connecticut, to consider and take action on the following question:

Shall the Town of Canton approve eliminating the full-time position of Director of Senior/Social Services and the part-time position of Administrative Assistant to the Senior/Social Services Director and create the position of the Director of Human Services for up to 28 hours per week, the position of Human Services Administrative Assistant for up to 18 hours per week, the position of Senior Center Administrative Assistant for up to 25 hours per week and increase the Senior Center Coordinator position from 20 hours per week to a maximum of 25 hours per week?

A copy of the proposed draft job descriptions can be located below and in the office of the Town Clerk and at the Canton Public Library:

Human Services Director
Human Services Administrative Assistant
Senior Center Coordinator
Senior Center Administrative Assistant