The Town of Canton received a grant from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection to develop a master plan for the Upper Collinsville Mill Pond and adjacent shoreline areas. The master plan characterizes the recreational, aesthetic, economic, historical, and ecological values of the Upper Collinsville Mill Pond and evaluates alternatives for the removal and disposal of sediments from the impoundment to restore depths in shallow areas to the extent necessary to enhance recreation and aesthetics. The master plan addresses preservation and enhancement of the Upper Mill Pond area for boating access, hiking on trails, swimming, fishing, ADA compliance, canoeing, and kayaking. The plan also addresses emerging land and river use issues identified during the planning process.
Listed below is the Committee's Final Report. It is a very large document and has been split into sections in order to upload it to this site. In addition, a hard copy of the entire Report is available for viewing in the Town Clerk's office.
Final Report Chapters 1-6
Final Report Chapter 7
Final Report Chapters 8-11
Appendices & graphics are listed below:
Appendix A Graphics Figure 1
Appendix B Graphics Figure 2
Appendix C Graphics Figure 3
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J