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5/24/2018 - 5/29/18-6/1/18 – Sexton Hollow Road & North Mountain Road Paving

5/29/18-6/1/18 – Sexton Hollow Road & North Mountain Road Paving


Sexton Hollow Road (Woodchuck Hill Road to Gracey Road) and North Mountain Road (Cherry Brook Road to Woodchuck Hill Road) will be paved starting on Tuesday, May 29, 2018 and continuing through Friday, June 1, 2018. Paving will take place from 7:00 AM-6:00 PM. Emergency vehicles, school buses and local traffic will be allowed to pass. Please use caution when approaching the area and expect brief delays. Please do not park on the street overnight. If you do, please move your vehicle by 6:00 AM. Please contact Canton DPW at (860) 693-7863 with any questions. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!