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4/16/2018 - River Smart Workshop April 16th

The Conservation Commission Announces a River Smart Workshop!

About River Smart:
Presented by Laura Hart of the Farmington River Watershed Association (FRWA), Riversmart connects homeowner actions with the river environment. The workshop focuses on polluted stormwater runoff, the most critical water quality issue for the Farmington River. Examples of simple green infrastructure solutions and everyday actions to reduce stormwater pollution will be discussed.

As a part of the program, FRWA is offering free handbooks to property owners that have land along the Farmington River and its tributaries (including Cherry Brook, Jim Brook, and other important watercourses throughout Canton). My Healthy Stream - A Handbook for Streamside Owners, is a publication by Trout Unlimited and an excellent resource to assist homeowners in learning more about stormwater pollution and how to make positive changes for the betterment of the environment.

Please join us! 
Monday, April 16, 2018
7pm in Room F, Canton Community Center
40 Dyer Avenue
Collinsville, CT 06019

For questions or more information, please email Emily Anyzeski at