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11/16/2017 - DEEP reminds outdoor enthusiasts to be safe during hunting season

The opening of the fall firearms deer season begins Nov. 15, and Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection(DEEP) has issued a safety reminder for outdoor enthusiasts as the season gets underway.

Whatever outdoor activity you enjoy the most, it is a good idea to follow a few safety precautions from DEEP while outdoors:
• Let someone know where you are going and when you will return;
• Make sure you know the area you’re planning to go and know the activities that happen there;
• Wear brightly-colored clothing. Fluorescent orange vests and/or hats are recommended;
• If you see another person in the woods, call out to them to make them aware of your location;
• Respect property rights.

Hunting is allowed on private lands, most state forests, wildlife management areas and some state parks. In general, most hunting occurs during early morning and late afternoon.

According to DEEP, hunters should always follow the rules for safe gun handling. Some of those include assuming the firearm is loaded, keeping the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, and to be sure of the target and what is beyond it. Sportsmen must follow the fluorescent orange clothing requirements. They’re required that a minimum of 400 square inches be worn about the waist and be visible from all sides. An orange hat is strongly recommended.

DEEP Commissioner Susan Whalen says, “Connecticut hunters have an excellent safety record, and awareness on the part of all outdoor users can help in our efforts to keep hunting safe for everyone.”

For more information about hunting season, hunter areas, and laws and regulations can be found in the 2017 Connecticut Hunting and Trapping Guide. It can be found at town halls, license agents, and on the DEEP website.