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7/5/2017 - Board of Assessment Appeals position available

The Board of Assessment Appeals consists of three (3) members elected for a four year term empowered to change assessments to correct any inequities, errors or omissions it may discover. The Board meets in September to review the Motor Vehicle list and during the month of March to hear aggrieved taxpayers that have filed an appeal on or before the respective deadlines.

The Town of Canton currently has a vacancy to fill the remaining term for a member position. The current term expires 11/21/2017, however there may be the possibility (with Republican Town Committee endorsement) to run in the November 2017 Election to take office for a term to run from 11/21/2017 - 11/16/2021.

Interested applicants must be a registered Republican or Unaffiliated voter in the Town of Canton.

Volunteer applications may be submitted to:
Leslee B. Hill, First Selectman
4 Market Street
Collinsville CT 06022

Deadline to apply for this vacancy is Thursday, August 3, 2017.