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5/24/2017 - Special Town Meeting re: Neighborhood Assistance Act Grants - TONIGHT - May 24th

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Notice is hereby given to the electors of the Town of Canton and those qualified taxpayers lawfully entitled to vote in Canton Town Meetings pursuant to Section 7-6 of the Connecticut General Statutes that a Special Town Meeting will be commenced on Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 7:00 PM in Room F located at the Canton Public Library & Community Center, 40 Dyer Avenue, Canton, Connecticut, to consider and take action on the following questions:

1. Shall the Town of Canton approve submitting a Neighborhood Assistance Act grant application in the amount of $150,000 to the Department of Revenue Services on behalf of the ARC of the Farmington Valley for the purpose of funding transportation services for disabled individuals?

2. Shall the Town of Canton approve submitting a Neighborhood Assistance Act grant application in the amount of $150,000 to the Department of Revenue Services on behalf of the ARC of the Farmington Valley for the purpose of funding the design and development of energy efficient facilities on Commerce Drive in Canton?

3. Shall the Town of Canton approve submitting a Neighborhood Assistance Act grant application in the amount of $75,000 to the Department of Revenue Services on behalf of True North, Inc. to fund job training and educational services for teens at risk of dropping out of the educational system?

4. Shall the Town of Canton approve submitting a Neighborhood Assistance Act grant application in the amount of $20,000 to the Department of Revenue Services on behalf of the Canton Police Department to fund the purchase and installation of mobile tablets and supporting hardware/software in police vehicles?

Copies of the following applications can be located online at and in the office of the Town Clerk and at the Canton Public Library.

Dated at Canton, Connecticut this 11th day of May 2017

Board of Selectmen
Leslee B. Hill
First Selectman