10/18/2016 - BOE Brief- October 2016
BOE Brief- October 2016
From the Chair, Julie Auseré
Dear Canton Public Schools Community,
Fall is finally in the air, the leaves are changing and school is well underway. Beginning of school transitions have occurred, and now the students settle into the routine of the school year. During the month of September, the Board of Education developed our goals and priorities for the school year.
Our full board goals include adopting a values statement to identify the Canton Public Schools culture and create a common language within our Canton community as well as to celebrate successes in our District.
In the area of Communication, we will be implementing the Canton Public Schools Communication Plan, which can be found HERE.
Curriculum initiatives include a focus on Math with the implementation of the Bridges K-5 math program and the research and recommendation for a new 6-8 math program. Other curriculum goals include:
*Creating an early childhood task force
*Reviewing the schedule and various courses at CHS
*Expanding the STEM Academy K-12
*Developing and implementing a Library/Media Strategic Plan K-12
*Expanding Canton High School internship and job related experiences
*Continuing the professional learning on Student Centered Learning
Our policy committee will focus this fall on revising the homework policy to bring it in line with 21st Century thinking and research on the benefits of homework and learning. This policy will be developed collaboratively with teachers, administrators and families. Stay tuned for more information on how you can provide feedback on this important policy revision.
I encourage those that want to hear more information about our district to attend the next Board of Education meeting on October 18th at 7pm at the Canton High School Library Media Center. Significant agenda items include reports from the administration on SBAC, SAT and AP testing results and a report from the Guidance Department. I hope to see you there.
Best regards,
Julie Auseré
Chair, Canton Board of Education
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