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10/26/2016 - A Message from our Town Moderator: Guidance for a Fair and Orderly Town Meeting

A Message from our Town Moderator

Guidance for a Fair and Orderly Town Meeting:
A Special Town Meeting will be held October 26th at 7pm at the Canton High School to discuss the town garage (see legal notice).  The goal of a town meeting is to enable all who wish to speak an opportunity to do so in a session that lasts a reasonable time so all can hear what their fellow citizens have to say. Since the town garage has been subject to an unusually high level of controversy, it is important that everyone know the following procedure in advance:

1. No vote will be taken since the matter will be subject to a referendum on Nov 8.

2. Speakers will be limited to five (5) minutes.

3. Please use the Sign-Up Sheet, which will be posted at the Canton High School Auditorium entrance, if you wish to speak.

4. No one will be recognized to speak for a second time until all those wishing to speak for the first time have spoken.

5. No one will be recognized to speak more than twice.

6. Speakers cannot yield their unexpired time to another speaker.

7. All comments must be germane to the merits of the town garage. Remarks on other matters may be important or interesting, but if not directly related to the garage they are irrelevant to this town meeting.

8. Absolutely no personal attacks or innuendos will be tolerated. This includes questioning anyone’s motives.

9. Speakers should not address one another directly with comments or questions. All remarks must be addressed through the moderator who will then recognize the subject of the comment or question.

Hope to see you all on October 26th.