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8/11/2015 - Volunteer Opportunities Available

Volunteers form the 'heart' of Canton. We wish to acknowledge the efforts of the town's residents who volunteer many hours to help make Canton a great community. Whether you are new to town or have been here all your life, Canton has something for everyone and many opportunities to provide service. Below is a list of all the Boards and Commissions in which there are vacancies. If you have not participated in any group yet, please consider doing so!

Click HERE for an Volunteer Board, Committee and Commission Application

*Volunteers must be a registered voter of Canton
*Volunteers must be appointed by the Board of Selectmen

Board of Ethics
Building Code Board of Appeals
Canton Center Historic District Commission 
Canton Public Library Board of Trustees
Collinsville Historic District Commission
Conservation Commission
Economic Development Agency
Energy Committee
Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Agency
Plainville Area Cable Television Advisory Council 
Town Meeting Moderator 
Water Pollution Control Authority
Wild and Scenic River Study Committee
Youth Services Bureau
Zoning Board of Appeals